Thursday, March 27, 2025


Boehner urges lawmakers to pass Republican debt plan

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 51606573 fa1d16c0 9c6c 4f82 b0b8 ab66ddd94f78 Boehner urges lawmakers to pass Republican debt plan

US House Speaker John Boehner has made an impassioned speech urging Congress to pass a Republican bill and end an impasse over the debt ceiling.

He told the House of Representatives that a Republican plan to increase the debt limit advances the "great cause of a balanced budget amendment".

The Republican-led House is now voting on Mr Boehner's proposal.

The US risks defaulting on its financial obligations if a federal budget deal is not struck by 2 August.

Speaking in the House, Mr Boehner said Republicans had tried their "level best" to reach a deal.

"I stuck my neck out a mile to get an agreement with the president of the United States," Mr Boehner said, referring to negotiations with President Obama that twice broke down.

source: bbcuk

Berita Lain:

+ Arsip Berita Indonesia - Boehner urges lawmakers to pass Republican debt plan. 30 Jul, 2011

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