- update next 9 | |
- Kenny Dalglish tidak Pantas Disalahkan
- Bandung Nouvo Community, Hobi Modif dan Turing
- Sykes Semakin Kencang di Superpole WSBK Imola
- “Superman” Ditonjok di Lapangan
- CIA Bangun Penjara Rahasia di Polandia?
- Pola Kekerasan dalam Unjuk Rasa Sering Dipertontonkan
- NHS prescription fee rise to 7.65 comes in to effect
- Citizenship choice
- Mali Tuareg rebels seize key garrison town of Gao
- Sikap PKS Untungkan Partai Oposisi
Kenny Dalglish tidak Pantas Disalahkan Posted: 31 Mar 2012 08:00 PM PDT Minggu, 01 April 2012 09:28 WIB LIVERPOOL: Bek Liverpool Jamie Carragher menegaskan Kenny Dalglish tak selayaknya disalahkan terhadap penurunan penampilan belakangan ini. Source: media indonesia Berita Lain:
+ Arsip Berita Indonesia - Kenny Dalglish tidak Pantas Disalahkan. |
Bandung Nouvo Community, Hobi Modif dan Turing Posted: 31 Mar 2012 07:54 PM PDT Hanya satu di Bandung Ketika datang ke acara ulang tahun Yamaha Matik Bogor (YMB) beberapa Minggu lalu, MOTOR Plus berjumpa Bandung Nouvo Community (BNC). Komunitas pengguna matik asal Bandung, Jawa Barat ini berdiri sejak 25 Mei 2005. Saat ini BNC memiliki 70 anggota. Di Bandung hanya ada satu komunitas yang menampung penunggang Yamaha Nouvo, sambut Muharam Indra Pratama, Ketua Umum BNC. Komunitas ini kopdar setiap malam Selasa dan malam Jumat di Jl. Kebon Kembang, Taman Sari. BNC juga mengagendakan turing rutin per satu bulan sekali. Tujuannya menyambangi daerah yang belum ada komunitas Nouvo serta datang ke acara klub sahabat. Uniknya di dalam komunitas BNC hampir 90 persen anggotanya hobi memodifikasi. Untuk lebih intim datang langsung ke sekre mereka di Jl. Jakarta, No. 28, Bandung atau kontak Rahmat Cavalera di 0838-2154-3975. ( Penulis : Panji | Teks Editor : KR15 | Foto : Panji Tags : Bandung Nouvo Community (BNC), Source: OtomotifNet Berita Lain:
+ Arsip Berita Indonesia - Bandung Nouvo Community, Hobi Modif dan Turing. |
Sykes Semakin Kencang di Superpole WSBK Imola Posted: 31 Mar 2012 07:54 PM PDT Tom Sykes lagi-lagi melesat dan semakin kencang menunjukkan kedigdayaan Kawasaki ZX-10R miliknya di aspal Sirkuit Imola pada sesi superpole Sabtu (31/3) siang kemarin di World Superbike Championship (WSBK). Tak sekedar menjadi yang tercepat dan meraih pole position untuk start terdepan pada balapan nanti, Sykes juga memecahkan rekor catatan waktu tercepat diWSBK ke angka 1 menit 46.748 detik. Ia menjadi satu-satunya pembalap yang berhasil menorehkan angka 1 menit 46 detik. Bahkan pembalap Effenbert Liberty Sylvain Guintoli yang berada di posisi tercepat kedua tertinggal nyaris setengah detik lebih lambat. Begitu juga dengan juara dunia WSBK 2011 Carlos Checa yang kali ini hanya mampu berada di urutan ketiga. Di grid start keempat ada pembalap asal Inggris yaitu Leon Haslam yang masih bertahan di posisi lima besar. Meski masih belum bisa tampil mengimbangi permainan Sykes, setidaknya ada peningkatan besar yang diperlihatkan Haslam pada performa motornya. Sementara Max Biaggi yang di WSBK Australia kemarin tampil memukau kali ini justru terlihat biasa-biasa saja. ( Hasil Kualifikasi Superpole WSBK Imola (31/3): Penulis : Abed | Teks Editor : Uda | Foto : Infront Motorsport Tags : Tom Sykes, Sykes, Kawasaki Racing, Kawasaki, Kawasaki ZX-6R, Superbike, WSBK, Superbike 2012, WSBK 2, Source: OtomotifNet Berita Lain:
+ Arsip Berita Indonesia - Sykes Semakin Kencang di Superpole WSBK Imola. |
“Superman” Ditonjok di Lapangan Posted: 31 Mar 2012 07:48 PM PDT MIAMI, – Pelatih Orlando Magic, Stan Van Gundy mengaku melihat center Dallas Mavericks, Brendan Haywood meninju punggung center Magic, Dwight Howard. Van Gundy mengaku melihat peristiwa ini dalam pertandingan NBA yang berlangsung Jumat lalu. Ia berencana mengirimkan rekaman kejadian ini ke NBA. "Haywood menonjok punggung (Howard) dengan kepalannya," kata Van Gundy. Ia mengungkap hal ini melalui situs klub. Pelatih Orlando Magic, Stan Van Gundy mengaku melihat center Dallas Mavericks, Brendan Haywood meninju punggung center Magic, Dwight Howard. Menurut Van Gundy kejadian ini membuat Howard tidak berlatih bersama tim Sabtu. Howard yang mendapat julukan "Superman" ini disebut memeriksakan punggungnya pada spesialis Sabtu pagi itu. Namun Van Gundy mengatakan masalah punggung ini tidak terlalu serius dan Howard tetap akan diturunkan dalam pertandingan menghadapi Denver Nuggets.
Source: kompas – olahraga Berita Lain:
CIA Bangun Penjara Rahasia di Polandia? Posted: 31 Mar 2012 07:31 PM PDT WARSAWA Selama bertahun-tahun Polandia dikabarkan menerima Dinas Intelijen Amerika Serikat (CIA), mengoperasikan penjara rahasia di sebuah danau terpencil di negara tersebut. Kini kebenaran mengenai hal tersebut terungkap. Lewat debat politik yang berlangsung pekan ini, terungkap bagaimana dramatisnya mengenai dugaan tersebut telah berubah. Sebelumnya, tuduhan penjara rahasia tersebut dianggap terlalu mengada-ada. Perdana Menteri Polandia Donald Tusk bahkan hampir dekat mengakui bahwa AS memang membangun fasilitas interogasi rahasia bagi tersangka teroris pada 2002 dan 2003 lalu. Beberapa politisi menyebut pembangunan fasilitas itu dilakukan karena tidak ingin melawan sikap keras dari mantan Presiden AS George W Bush terhadap terorisme. Namun politisi setempat sering diwarnai dengan kekecewaan terhadap Washington. Mereka menilai Negara Adidaya tersebut yang meninggalkan Polandia dalam posisi sulit tentang isu ini. PM Tusk mengatakan, penyelidikan tengah dilakukan mengenai kasus ini. “Polandia tidak akan menjadi negara, dimana politisi melakukan kesepakatan tersembunyi dan menganggap hal itu tidak pernah terjadi,” ujar PM Tusk seperti dikutip Associated Press, Minggu (1/4). “Polandia adalah negara demokrasi dimana kedaulatan nasional dan internasionalnya harus diperhatikan. Ini (penjara CIA) adalah sebuah isu yang harus dijelaskan. Tidak boleh ada keraguan di Polandia ataupun di seberang lautan (AS),” jelasnya. Bagi sebagian pihak, ucapan PM Tusk menunjukkan kebenaran bahwa Polandia memang mengizinkan AS untuk menjalankan penjara rahasia itu. Di dalam penjara tersebut, tersangka teroris menjalani proses interogasi yang kejam dan dianggap oleh kelompok pemerhati HAM sebagai tindakan penyiksaan. Sebelum pejabat Polandia dan rakyatnya sendiri menentang adanya penjara CIA tersebut dan masalah ini dianggap absurd, bahkan setelah PBB dan Dewan Keamanan Eropa mengatakan, mereka memiliki bukti mengenai keberadaan penjara itu. Para pejabat Polandia bahkan menolak imbauan desakan dunia internasinal untuk melakukan penyelidikan. Namun, penyelidikan ini baru mendapatkan perhatian serius saat Kejaksaan Polandia membuka kasus tersebut pada 2008 lalu. Terobosan pun terungkap pada Selasa 27 Maret lalu, saat suratkabar Gazeta Wyborcza melaporkan bahwa kejaksaan telah mendakwa mantan Kepala Intelijen Zbigniew Siemiatkowski, yang mengizinkan pembangunan penjara tersebut. Siemiatkowski didakwa telah merampas kemerdekaan dari tahanan perang dengan mengizinkan hukuman penyiksaan. Siemiatkowski sendiri menolak berkomentar mengenai masalah ini. Dirinya mengaku telah mengambil surah rahasia menyangkut isu penting tersebut. [int] Source: nonblok online Berita Lain:
+ Arsip Berita Indonesia - CIA Bangun Penjara Rahasia di Polandia?. |
Pola Kekerasan dalam Unjuk Rasa Sering Dipertontonkan Posted: 31 Mar 2012 07:31 PM PDT Minggu, 01 April 2012 08:54 WIB JAKARTA: Pola-pola kekerasan yang dilakukan oleh aparat saat membubarkan aksi unjuk rasa terlihat masih sering terjadi. Source: media indonesia Berita Lain:
+ Arsip Berita Indonesia - Pola Kekerasan dalam Unjuk Rasa Sering Dipertontonkan. |
NHS prescription fee rise to 7.65 comes in to effect Posted: 31 Mar 2012 07:30 PM PDT An increase in NHS prescription charges in England of 25p to 7.65 has come into effect. Health Minister Simon Burns outlined the changes earlier this year, and the government says exemptions mean 90% of prescription items are dispensed free. The Royal Pharmaceutical Society campaigned for a freeze and says the rises are completely unacceptable. Dental treatment costs will also rise. There are no prescription charges in Scotland, Wales or Northern Ireland. The cost of a prescription payment certificate (PPC), which is valid for three months, will remain at 29.10 and the price of an annual PPC will be held at 104. Charges for elastic stockings and tights, wigs and fabric supports supplied by hospitals will be increased. The value of vouchers for glasses for children, people on low incomes and those with complex sight problems will increase by 2.5% overall. Exemptions The dental charge payable for a basic "band 1" course of treatment – examination, diagnosis and advice, including X-rays, a scale and polish and planning for further work if necessary – will rise 50p to 17.50. Band 2 charges, covering fillings, root canal treatment and extractions, will rise by 1 to 48. For band 3 work, such as crowns, dentures and bridges, the cost will increase by 5 to 209. The British Medical Association has said the current system is "unfair" and called for prescription charges to be scrapped in England. Those exempt from prescription charges include children under 16, income-related benefit claimants, pregnant women and people with serious long-term medical conditions. Contraception is free. Free prescriptions were introduced in Wales in 2007, Northern Ireland in 2010 and Scotland in 2011. source: bbcuk Berita Lain:
+ Arsip Berita Indonesia - NHS prescription fee rise to 7.65 comes in to effect. |
Posted: 31 Mar 2012 07:22 PM PDT Citizenship choice Nani Afrida, The Jakarta Post, Jakarta | Sun, 04/01/2012 8:36 AM A |A |A| Indonesia is my home. So, I didnt need much time when I had to decide [my citizenship]. I feel fully Indonesian, said the 23-year-old Sullivan, who completed his bachelors degree at Oregon University in the United States in 2010. He said the process to designate Indonesian as hiscitizenship began at the age of 20. Since the 2006 Citizenship Law, children of mixed marriages are automatically entitled to dual citizenship. Under the law, when the child turns 18, he or she has three years to choose one nationality. As Indonesian law does not allow more than one nationality for its citizens, parents of mixed marriages should give their children a few years well ahead of their 21st birthday before they are faced with deciding upon his or her citizenship. Otherwise they automatically lose the right to choose and the state will only recognize their citizenship in line with their fathers. Sullivan said his father supported his decision to become Indonesian. He said I can still keep my rights as an American, even though I am now Indonesian, he says. His Indonesian mother, Melva Nababan Sullivan, said her son fully understands how it was previously impossible before the 2006 law for children of mixed marriages to have dual citizenship, as well as Indonesian nationality, if their fathers were foreigners. He appreciated the opportunity to be Indonesian, said Melva, who also heads the supervisory board of the Indonesian Mixed Marriage Society, or PerCa. A 13-year-old girl, Kuniko (not her real name), also said she would like to be Indonesian, rather than Japanese like her mother. She has had much time to consider her options, but for the meantime it looks like shes made up her mind. I am happy to be staying in Indonesia. My friends are here and I also go to school here, she said. Like Patrick, Kuniko has two passports, which was made possible since the Immigration Law was revised last year. The Law and Human Rights Ministrys Directorate General of Immigration revealed that instances of dual citizenship had increased only moderately following the 2006 Citizenship Law. Government data shows 1,533 people in Indonesia held dual citizenship, slightly lower than 1,616 people in 2011. It is not known whether the figure should be much higher but advocates for mixed-marriage couples have voiced concern many are still in the dark about the 2006 law, citing a lack of information. As a result, many children might have lost their right to choose their nationality. Melva said mixed couples should be careful about watching the deadline of their childrens 21st birthday. In the case of children wanting to become Indonesian, they should have filed their applications before their 21st birthday. Otherwise they will end up [classified] as foreigners, she said. function mailpage() {mail_str = “mailto:?subject=Check out the article from”;mail_str += “&body=I thought you might be interested in this article. \r\n “;mail_str += “You can view it at, ” + location.href;location.href = mail_str;} Follow our twitter @jakpost& our public blog @blogIMO Post Comments| Comments () More Headlines News A green startGoogle promises to build up local team23 state firms continue to incur financial lossesJakarta readying for Earth Hour 2012Railway blockaded in protest over hike + index Paper Edition A green startCitizenship choiceGoogle promises to build up local team23 state firms continue to incur financial lossesJakarta readying for Earth Hour 2012 + index Life Sci-Tech Environment Body & Soul Art & Design Culture Lifestyle Entertainment People Features News & ViewsHeadlinesNationalArchipelagoBusinessJakartaWorldSportsExposeOpinionReaders’ forum HomeCompany ProfileMedia Kit (IDR)Media Kit (USD)About UsContact UsSite Map Copyright 2008 The Jakarta Post – PT Bina Media Tenggara. All Rights Reserved. var gaJsHost = ((“https:” == document.location.protocol) ? “https://ssl.” : “http://www.”);document.write(unescape(“%3Cscript src=’” + gaJsHost + “’ type=’text/javascript’%3E%3C/script%3E”));try {var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker(“UA-8353993-1″);pageTracker._trackPageview();} catch(err) {}
Mali Tuareg rebels seize key garrison town of Gao Posted: 31 Mar 2012 07:20 PM PDT Tuareg-led rebels in Mali have taken control of the garrison town of Gao, including the largest military base in the north of the country. Capt Amadou Sanogo, whose troops seized power in a coup last week, said his soldiers had ceded control to avoid fighting in residential areas. There are reports of casualties but no figures have been given. The BBC's West Africa correspondent Thomas Fessy says the loss of Gao is a serious blow to the coup leaders. They deposed the president in protest at what they saw as the poor conduct of the fight against the Tuareg rebels. The historic city of Timbuktu is now the only major northern town that remains under the control of the Malian army. Rebel sources say they are already positioned in its outskirts and residents fear fighting could erupt soon, our correspondent adds. Regional group Ecowas has put 2,000 troops on standby in case of a possible intervention in Mali. It has threatened to close land borders, freeze assets and impose a financial blockade if the army does not stand down before Monday. Heavy gunfire The rebels took Gao hours after another town, Kidal, fell to them. Witnesses reported heavy gunfire coming from the main military camp in Gao and helicopters engaging rebel fighters. Before the coup, Malian forces had struggled to drive back the rebels and officers had complained that the army needed more equipment to fight. Capt Sanogo has asked for foreign help to fight the rebels but has been condemned over the coup. Members of the military leadership are in neighbouring Burkina Faso for talks with President Blaise Compaore, who is mediating in the crisis. Separatist rebels seeking to carve out a desert homeland began a rebellion in the West African state in January. The National Movement for the Liberation of Azawad (MNLA) want an independent north while a smaller, Islamist group called the Ansar Edine wants to impose Sharia law. Azawad is the Tuareg name for their home region in the Sahara Desert. The Tuaregs have launched several rebellions over the years, complaining that the government in Bamako ignores them. The conflict has been fuelled by the return of Tuareg fighters from Libya last year after fighting for the late Muammar Gaddafi or his opponents. It appears these fighters are heavily armed with looted weapons. Analysts say the rebels have taken advantage of Mali's military coup to move swiftly across the north. source: bbcuk Berita Lain:
+ Arsip Berita Indonesia - Mali Tuareg rebels seize key garrison town of Gao. |
Sikap PKS Untungkan Partai Oposisi Posted: 31 Mar 2012 07:20 PM PDT Minggu, 01 April 2012 08:45 WIB JAKARTA: Sikap Partai Keadilan Sejahtera (PKS) yang tidak konsisten mendukung koalisi Setgab rupanya menguntungkan partai oposisi terutama PDIP. Source: media indonesia Berita Lain:
+ Arsip Berita Indonesia - Sikap PKS Untungkan Partai Oposisi. |
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