- update next 9 | |
- Smartphone HTC dengan RAM 512MB Tak Cicipi Jelly Bean
- European workers set for austerity protests
- Video Mengumpat Tersebar Online, Bankir Barclays Dipecat
- Head Yamaha Mio J Klep 27/23, Untuk Bore Up 150 cc
- Aermacchi (Italia), Dari Pesawat ke Sepeda Motor
- Warga Sekitar Rokatenda Butuh Bantuan Jeriken
- Jordan protesters take to streets over fuel price rises
- Teheran jadi tuan rumah Dialog Nasional Suriah
- Baru Muncul, Google Nexus 4 Ludes Terjual
- dan#039;Catastrophic failingsdan#039; in schizophrenia care
Smartphone HTC dengan RAM 512MB Tak Cicipi Jelly Bean Posted: 13 Nov 2012 06:34 PM PST CALIFORNIA – HTC Corporation mengonfirmasi bahwa dua smartphone dari keluarga One dan Desire tidak akan mencicipi rasa baru Android 4.1 Jelly Bean. Perangkat yang tidak menerima update ialah One V dan Desire V. Di luar itu, HTC One X dan One S memperoleh pembaharuan sistem operasi sejak bulan lalu. Pembaharuan juga termasuk versi terbaru dari HTC Sense yang diklaim memberikan pengalaman lebih baik ketimbang versi sebelumnya. Sementara itu, perusahaan mengonfirmasi bahwa perangkat yang dikemas dengan kemapuan RAM 512MB ke bawah tidak akan memperoleh pembaharuan Android Jelly Bean. “Kami bekerja keras untuk memastikan seluruh produk kami dapat memberikan pengalaman pengguna yang maksimal, oleh karena itu beberapa produk akan tetap berjalan pada sistem operasi yang lama,” kata perusahaan seperti dikutip dari Softpedia, Rabu (13/11/2012). “Secara umum, perangkat dengan RAM 512MB atau yang lebih rendah tidak akan diperbaharui ke Android 4.1. Saat ini perangkat termasuk HTC One V dan HTC Desire C. Sebagai perangkat yang kami identifikasi yang tidak diperbaharui sistem operasinya,” kata perusahaan asal Taiwan itu. Meski tidak menerima pembaharuan Android 4.1 Jelly Bean, update perawatan seperti peningkatan piranti lunak, perbaikan keamanan, dan dukungan teknik akan terus didistribusikan kepada pengguna. Sedangkan bagi para pengguna yang memiliki perangkat yang memenuhi syarat namun belum mendapatkan pembaharuan Android 4.2, perusahaan meminta pengguna untuk bersabar. Pasalnya, HTC sedang mendorong pembaharuan sistem operasi secara bertahap. (fmh) stLight.options({publisher:’b847f3a4-e695-414e-b3c3-11a67607a605′}); !function(d,s,id){var js,fjs=d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0];if(!d.getElementById(id)){js=d.createElement(s);;js.src=””;fjs.parentNode.insertBefore(js,fjs);}}(document,”script”,”clasit-wjs”); Sent from Indosat Internet Source: Okezone – Techno Berita Lain:
+ Arsip Berita Indonesia - Smartphone HTC dengan RAM 512MB Tak Cicipi Jelly Bean. |
European workers set for austerity protests Posted: 13 Nov 2012 06:28 PM PST Workers across the European Union are set to stage a series of protests against rising unemployment and austerity measures. The Day of Action and Solidarity calls on leaders to tackle growing social anxiety and abandon austerity measures. Some 40 groups from 23 countries are involved in Wednesday's protests. Strikes are expected in Spain, Greece, Portugal and Italy, with other protests planned in Belgium, Germany, France the UK and some eastern EU states. Wednesday's action, which may affect some transport links and services across the continent, has been urged by the European Trade Union Confederation. "Austerity is a total dead end, and must be abandoned," said the group in a statement. Continental protests Unions in Spain and Portugal started strikes at midnight local time (23:00 GMT), to protest against austerity measures that have combined cuts in salaries, pensions, benefits and social services with hikes in tax rises. Italy will see a four-hour national strike which transport workers are also expected to join. In Greece the strike action is the third major walkout in two months as the country tries to reduce its budget deficit in line with international demands. previous slidenext slide The government must meet a 5bn-euro debt repayment by Friday and says it needs the bailout cash to avoid going bankrupt. Greece must back a package of salary and pension cuts, and labour market reforms, and the 2013 budget, to receive the next part of a bailout – a 31.5bn-euro instalment from the International Monetary Fund and European Union that has been on hold for months – and avoid bankruptcy. The BBC's Mark Lowen in Athens says that with proposals for a fifth consecutive cut to pensions, an increase in the retirement age and reductions to salaries, benefits and healthcare, the fury among Greece's population is growing. In France, the CGT union has called for public sector strikes, but there are questions about how many workers will stay away. The strikes are not anti-government, correspondents say, but rather a way of showing that workers in France are in solidarity with their fellow-workers elsewhere in Europe. While some Belgian unions have told the BBC they will not be striking, all have expressed solidarity with the day's protests, which is expected to see demonstrations outside the Brussels embassies of Germany, Spain, Greece, Cyprus, Portugal and the Republic of Ireland. source: bbcuk Berita Lain:
+ Arsip Berita Indonesia - European workers set for austerity protests. |
Video Mengumpat Tersebar Online, Bankir Barclays Dipecat Posted: 13 Nov 2012 06:24 PM PST Olivier Desbarres melemparkan lempengan besi SINGAPURA, – Kearoganan bankir senior Barclays ini menjadi bumerang buat dirinya. Wall Street Journal, Selasa (13/11), melaporkan Olivier Desbarres, terpaksa harus kehilangan pekerjaanya karena sikap arogannya. Desbaress harus membayar mahal perbuatannya setelah video yang menunjukkan dia mengumpat beredar di YouTube. Video berdurasi satu menit itu menunjukkan bagaimana Desbarres mengumpat para pekerja konstruksi yang sedang bekerja di seberang rumah tempat tinggalnya di Jalan Wimborne, Singapura. Desbarres tampanya sangat terganggu dengan suara bising yang ditimbulkan pekerjaan konstruksi bangunan tersebut. Video tersebut menunjukkan keberangan bankir berumur 37 tahun itu. Tanpa ragu, dia membombardir para pekerja itu dengan sejumlah umpatan. "Saya akan mengejar dan membakar rumah kalian bersama seluruh penghuninya, kalian benar-benar seperti binatang," katanya penuh emosi. Saat mengetahui dirinya sedang divideokan, emosi Desbarres memuncak. "Saya tidak takut kalian memvideokan, tunjukkan ke publik jika berani, " ujarnya. Ia juga mencoba memberikan ancaman fisik bagi para pekerja itu. Dia melempar selembar seng yang hampir mengancam nyawa dua pekerja konstruksi. Desbarres yang memimpin departmen yang mengatur strategi pertukaran mata uang asing diberitakan telah meninggalkan Barclays 29 Oktober lalu. Pihak Barclays menolak berkomentar mengenai mantan karyawannya ini. Editor : Egidius Patnistik Source: kompas internasional Berita Lain:
+ Arsip Berita Indonesia - Video Mengumpat Tersebar Online, Bankir Barclays Dipecat. |
Head Yamaha Mio J Klep 27/23, Untuk Bore Up 150 cc Posted: 13 Nov 2012 06:21 PM PST Yamaha Mio J belum lama meluncur di pasaran. Meski begitu sudah tersedia part racing yang siap pasang. Skubek yang sudah mengsung teknologi injeksi ini bisa aplikasi head atau kepala silinder yang sudah dipasangi klep besar. Agar suplai gas bakar jadi lancar. Ditawarkan oleh Ko Yonk dari Yonk Jaya Motor, Bandung. “Bisa diaplikasi untuk yang sudah bore up s/d 150 cc,” jelas Ko Yonk yang biangnya komponen racing sejak era 1990-an itu. Agar gas bakar lancar, klep sudah diganti ukuran besar. Klep isap menggunakan ukuran 27 mm dan klep buang 23 mm, jelas pria yang senang berbadan endut itu. Meski bisa dipakai untuk harian, namun material yang dipakai sekelas balap. Untuk sitting dan bos klep menggunakan bahan albronze. Namun sekarang head ini khusus untuk bore up pakai piston TDR saja. Walaupun begitu bisa saja pakai piston lain, tapi mungkin beberapa penyesuaian. Bagi yang penasaran, silakan datang langsung ke Yonk Jaya Motor. Alamat tepatnya di Jl. Jend. Ahmad Yani No. 358, Bandung. Telepon (022) 727-1337. Harganya Rp 1,2 juta. ( Penulis : Ismet | Teks Editor : KR15 | Foto : Ismet Tags : Head Yamaha Mio J Klep 27/23, Yonk Jaya Motor Bandung, Ikuti kuis TEBAK JUARA MotoGP dan Formula 1, dapatkan hadiah menarik dari OTOMOTIFNET.COM Source: OtomotifNet Berita Lain:
+ Arsip Berita Indonesia - Head Yamaha Mio J Klep 27/23, Untuk Bore Up 150 cc. |
Aermacchi (Italia), Dari Pesawat ke Sepeda Motor Posted: 13 Nov 2012 06:05 PM PST Ini tentunya salah satu pabrikan motor legendaris yang dulunya gape membuat pesawat terbang. Mereka membuat motor Scooter tahun 1956 dilaunching oleh Alfredo Bianchii, silinder tunggal OHV 175 cc dengan 4 percepatan bernama Chimera. Chimera tidak sukses di pasaran hingga mereka perlu menaikkan kapasitasnya menjadi 250 cc yang lebih sporty. Setelah itu mereka asyik merancang motor untuk keperluan balap berkapasitas lebih gede yakni 250 cc dan 350 cc. Motor-motor mereka ini cukup punya taring di ajang GP. ( Penulis : Isf@n | Teks Editor : KR15 | Foto : DOK. MOTORPLUS Tags : Aermacchi, Alfredo Bianchii, chimera, Ikuti kuis TEBAK JUARA MotoGP dan Formula 1, dapatkan hadiah menarik dari OTOMOTIFNET.COM Source: OtomotifNet Berita Lain:
+ Arsip Berita Indonesia - Aermacchi (Italia), Dari Pesawat ke Sepeda Motor. |
Warga Sekitar Rokatenda Butuh Bantuan Jeriken Posted: 13 Nov 2012 05:59 PM PST KOMPAS/EDDY HASBY Bibir Kawah Gunung Rokatenda, di Pulau Palue, Kabupaten Sikka, Nusa Tenggara Timur, Selasa (29/05/2012). Gunung dengan ketinggian 863 mdpl ini terakhir kali meletus tahun 1994. BORONG, – Semburan abu dari Gunung Rokatenda mengotori bak penampung air di atap rumah penduduk di sekitar wilayah itu. Tak kurang dari 300 warga Palue kini sudah mengungsi ke Kota Maumere, Ibu Kota Kabupaten Sikka, menyusul aktivitas Gunung Rokatenda. Berdasarkan data dari Badan Penanggulangan Bencana Daerah (BPBD) Kabupaten Sikka, 196 warga di sekitar gunung sudah mengungsi ke Kota Maumere. Mereka mengungsi secara mandiri karena khawatir Gunung Rokatenda akan meletus. Hal itu diungkapkan Kepala Badan Penanggulangan Bencana Daerah (BPBD) Kabupaten Sikka, Silvanus M Tibo saat dikonfirmasi dari Borong, Rabu (14/11/2012). Silvanus menjelaskan, kondisi Rokatenda masih dalam status tiga sesuai laporan dari Pos Pengamat Gunung Api Rokatenda dari Ropa, Kabupaten Ende. Artinya, Rokatenda belum berbahaya. "Kemarin kami berikan bantuan kemanusiaan kepada pengungsi dari sekitar Gunung Api Rokatenda yang datang dengan inisiatif sendiri-sendiri, bukan bantuan bencana," jelasnya. Saat ini yang dikuatirkan, jelas Silvanus, semburan abu menyebar ke bak penampung air di atap rumah penduduk sehingga air yang sudah ditampung bercampur debu vulkanik. "Pemerintah Kabupaten Sikka membutuhkan bantuan 1.000 jeriken serta ribuan masker untuk dipakai penduduk di sekitar," ungkap Silvanus. Menurut Silvanus, tim BPBD Kabupaten Sikka sudah ke lokasi Rokatenda dan sudah sampai di puncak gunung. Disebutkan, kondisi gunung tidak berbahaya. Editor : Glori K. Wadrianto Source: kompas regional Berita Lain:
+ Arsip Berita Indonesia - Warga Sekitar Rokatenda Butuh Bantuan Jeriken. |
Jordan protesters take to streets over fuel price rises Posted: 13 Nov 2012 05:43 PM PST Protests have been held in several Jordanian cities against increases in fuel price, following the lifting of government subsidies. About 2,000 demonstrators gathered in the centre of the capital Amman, with many chanting anti-government slogans. Ministers say the decision was necessary to tackle a budget deficit of 3.5bn dinars ($5bn; 3.1bn). Last month Jordan saw its biggest opposition protest for several years calling for electoral reform. Household cooking gas will go up by just over 50%, diesel and kerosene by 33% and lower-grade gasoline by 15%. Queues at petrol stations were reported in Amman as people tried to stock up on petrol before the price rises took effect at midnight on Tuesday. Protesters condemned the decision, calling for the resignation of Prime Minister Abdullah Ensour, and with some openly criticising King Abdullah, a taboo punishable by prison. "Freedom is from God, in spite of you, Abdullah," was one chant heard in Amman, according to the Associated Press. Other cities where protests were reported included Salt, Irbid and Maan. ‘Precarious situation’ Mr Ensour told state TV that the price rises would be offset by government payments to low-income families. "The financial situation in the country has been greatly affected by the Arab Spring. The economic situation is very precarious," Mr Ensour said. Jordan is normally a heavy importer of Egyptian natural gas, but over the past year the pipeline which supplies gas to both Israel and Jordan has been attacked several times, forcing the country to use more expensive supplies. Last month about 10,000 people took part in a protest in Amman called by the Muslim Brotherhood's political wing, the Islamic Action Front, demanding broader political representation and a more democratic parliament. King Abdullah has called early elections on 23 January. The opposition has threatened to boycott the poll. Jordan has so far avoided the unrest and political upheaval that rocked much of the Arab world last year and led to changes of leadership in Egypt, Libya, Yemen and Tunisia. source: bbcuk Berita Lain:
+ Arsip Berita Indonesia - Jordan protesters take to streets over fuel price rises. |
Teheran jadi tuan rumah Dialog Nasional Suriah Posted: 13 Nov 2012 05:39 PM PST Ilustrasi pengungsi Suriah dan warga setempat mengibarkan bendera oposisi Suriah. (REUTERS/Ali Jarekji) “Konferensi ini akan mempertemukan wakil-wakil dari partai politik, suku bangsa, kaum minoritas, dan oposisi Suriah,” kata Abdullahian dalam pidato khusus untuk saluran TV Al-Alam News. Lebih dari 30 tokoh parlemen dari spektrum politik yang berbeda akan berpartisipasi dalam konferensi ini. Konferensi ini diharapkan akan diselenggarakan pada 18 November untuk membahas solusi terbaik dalam mengatasi krisis di Suriah, demikian seperti yang dilaporkan SANA. (H-AK) Editor: Heppy COPYRIGHT © 2012 Source: – Mancanegara Berita Lain:
+ Arsip Berita Indonesia - Teheran jadi tuan rumah Dialog Nasional Suriah. |
Baru Muncul, Google Nexus 4 Ludes Terjual Posted: 13 Nov 2012 05:38 PM PST LONDON – Google Nexus 4 yang mulai dijual di Inggris langsung habis dalam waktu kurang dari satu jam. Penjualan tersebut dilakukan secara daring melalui situs Google Play. Dilansir dari TechRadar, Rabu (14/11/2012), perangkat genggam Nexus terbaru dari Google itu mulai dijual pada pukul 8 pagi, Selasa waktu setempat, namun pada pukul 9 pagi situs tersebut kembali menuliskan “coming soon” untuk model 8GB dan 16GB. Google Nexus 4 yang dijual murah itu menjadi sebuah hits bagi konsumen. Pasalnya, Nexus 4 dibekali dengan prosesor quad core, RAM 2GB, layar HD 4,7 inci, kamera utama 8 megapiksel, kamera depan 1,3 megapiksel dan teknologi NFC. Di Inggris, Nexus 4 dibanderol dengan harga 239 poundsterling atau sekira Rp 3,6 juta untuk versi 8GB dan 279 poundsterling atau sekira Rp 4,2 juta. Sementara itu, operator lokal Inggris O2 telah berhasil memperoleh Google Nexus 4. Penggemarnya kemungkinan akan bisa memperoleh perangkat genggam terbaru Google itu di sana, namun tanpa subsidi. Harga Nexus 4 16GB tanpa subsidi Google adalah 399 poundsterling atau sekira Rp 6 juta. (yhw) stLight.options({publisher:’b847f3a4-e695-414e-b3c3-11a67607a605′}); !function(d,s,id){var js,fjs=d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0];if(!d.getElementById(id)){js=d.createElement(s);;js.src=””;fjs.parentNode.insertBefore(js,fjs);}}(document,”script”,”clasit-wjs”); Sent from Indosat Internet Source: Okezone – Techno Berita Lain:
+ Arsip Berita Indonesia - Baru Muncul, Google Nexus 4 Ludes Terjual. |
dan#039;Catastrophic failingsdan#039; in schizophrenia care Posted: 13 Nov 2012 05:36 PM PST By Jane DreaperHealth correspondent, BBC News An independent inquiry says a major overhaul is needed in the system for caring for people with schizophrenia. The Schizophrenia Commission, which was set up a year ago, says patients spend too long in "demoralised and dysfunctional" hospital wards. Its analysis suggests the condition costs society almost 12bn a year – and treatment budgets could be spent more wisely to stop people from getting ill. The government says mental health is one of its high priorities. A spokesman said: "We are clear that people with mental health problems should be treated with the same high quality and dignified care as anyone else and we expect the NHS to make this happen." The commission, which was established by the charity Rethink Mental Illness, says too much is spent on secure care – 19% of the mental health budget in England last year – with many people staying too long in expensive units. Among the 42 recommendations, the report calls for a better use of "recovery houses" in the community, to provide an alternative to hospital admission. The average cost of a night in a mental health in-patient bed is 321 – meaning a typical admission of 38 days costing more than 12,000. The commission says early intervention teams, which aim to help people before their hallucinations or delusions become severe, are popular and should be extended. The report claims some teams are being cut or diluted at the moment. ‘Madhouse’ Prof Sir Robin Murray from King's College London, which chaired the commission, said: "If you have psychosis and your mind is disturbed, you need a period of respite and calm. "But especially in inner cities, you get admitted to something like a madhouse. The nurses are often overwhelmed. "If patients have had a bad experience and then a further relapse, it's more likely they will then have to be admitted by compulsion. "The system is pervaded by pressure. People are locked up too often and for too long. "There's a preoccupation with risk, and the idea that this is a madman with an axe. But people with schizophrenia are actually more likely to be attacked themselves. "There's no other condition where such an emphasis is put on the risk of an effect on other people." The report says care of people with schizophrenia and psychosis is falling "catastrophically short". An economic analysis for the commission highlighted an "exceptionally low" employment rate for people with schizophrenia of 7%, as well as disrupted education – because the illness often develops in young adulthood. The authors said some of the costs of schizophrenia were unavoidable – but effective interventions, such as family therapy and making a concerted effort to find people jobs, were not being widely used. Paul Jenkins, head of the charity Rethink Mental Illness, was also a member of the commission. He said: "It's been over 100 years since the term 'schizophrenia' was first coined, but care and treatment are still nowhere near good enough. "It is a scandal that in 2012 people with schizophrenia are dying 15-20 years earlier than the general population." The report said tackling those worse chances of physical ill health would take many years, but made economic sense. And it highlighted poor prescribing practice as another problem faced by people with schizophrenia, saying patients were not always receiving the most effective medication. The report – titled The Abandoned Illness – concludes patients can be given hope and support, with the aim of stability or recovery. source: bbcuk Berita Lain:
+ Arsip Berita Indonesia - dan#039;Catastrophic failingsdan#039; in schizophrenia care. |
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