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- Congo police sweep capital day after poll results
- PM Peru mendadak mundur
- Plans for greater scrutiny of elderly care in England
- Kawasaki Binter Merzy, Lokal Retro
- Ducati Rilis Monster 795 di Indonesia, Harga Rp 225 Juta
- Nunun Bisa Buka Tabir Dalang Utama
- Climate deal up for approval at UN conference
- Justin Bieber dan Selena Gomez Tunangan
- Tertangkapnya Nunun Kado Hari Antikorupsi
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Congo police sweep capital day after poll results Posted: 10 Dec 2011 06:17 PM PST Congo police sweep capital day after poll results Associated Press, Kinshasa, Congo | Sun, 12/11/2011 8:49 AM A |A |A| Police in Congo’s capital prowled opposition neighborhoods Saturday rounding up young men, who were seen being dragged out of their homes and shoved into waiting cars, a day after the government announced that the country’s opposition leader had lost the disputed presidential election. Public transport was suspended in this sprawling capital. Tires continued to burn in sections of the city that had voted for opposition leader Etienne Tshisekedi, and bus owners ordered their fleets off the streets, fearing vandalism. The tense city remained largely free of the violence that had been feared in the days leading up to Friday’s announcement of results. However, on Saturday evening, Congo’s police chief Gen. Charles Bisengimana said that at least four people have been killed in the recent postelection violence, including a woman shot by a stray bullet. The 78-year-old Tshisekedi took to the airwaves overnight Friday to say he rejected the results issued by the country’s election commission, which handed victory to President Joseph Kabila. He proclaimed himself president, saying the election had been manipulated to ensure a victory for Kabila, who finished with nearly 49 percent of the vote. Observers fear unrest if the opposition leader orders his supporters to take to the streets. So far, Tshisekedi has called for calm, telling his supporters to await his instructions. That didn’t stop angry crowds from setting tires on fire and erecting roadblocks in areas of the city that had overwhelmingly voted against Kabila. On Saturday, an unmarked police car was slowly advancing along Avenue des Cocotiers, when it abruptly stopped in front of house No. 48. The officers carrying automatic weapons shoved their way through the home’s metal gate. They emerged dragging out a young man. His mother stood helplessly by. The scene, which took place in front of a team of reporters, was repeated a block later. Human Rights Watch senior researcher Anneke van Woudenberg said she is receiving calls from residents in numerous neighborhoods in the capital reporting abductions by the police, though she said it was too early to confirm how many people had been taken. “The police came. One of my children was sleeping. The other one was watching TV. They left with my children, with five in all. One is 20, one is 23, one is 19 and the two others are adults,” said Bienvenue Ngomgo. “They broke down the door, the window, the door knobs. They broke our things. They took our cell phones.” Government spokesman Lambert Mende denied reports that the police had shot live rounds after angry youths began burning tires soon after results were issued Friday. He said that police are only equipped with rubber bullets, and that each police unit is being flanked by a group of military auditors, who are there to ensure that no human rights abuses are committed. Human Rights Watch said in a report last week that 18 people have been killed in election violence, nearly all of them by Kabila’s soldiers. Doubts are beginning to emerge about the veracity of results from last week’s election. International observers had originally said that although they had witnessed numerous irregularities, there was no systematic pattern of fraud. On Saturday, observers with the Atlanta-based Carter Center said that there is growing evidence of possible vote suppression in parts of the country favorable to the opposition, and vote inflation in regions known to support Kabila. David Pottie, one of the senior observers with the Carter Center, pointed to the contrast between Kinshasa and Katanga province. In the capital which is one of Tshisekedi’s bastions, votes from only 8,347 of the 10,334 polling stations were compiled. Around 2,000 polling stations representing some 700,000 votes were simply not included in the final tally published Friday by the election commission, an omission that was not explained by election officials. That represents an 88 percent compilation rate, and voter turnout in those precincts that were counted was only 57 percent. By contrast in Katanga, the province where Kabila was born, over 99 percent of the votes cast were included in the published results. And voter turnout was more than 70 percent. Pottie said that in scanning results from Katanga, there were several precincts that reported questionable results. In the locality of Mulemba-Nkulu, for example, every single one of the 260,000 votes cast was for Kabila. And although for the election overall, voter turnout was less than 59 percent, in Mulemba-Nkulu, turnout was 99.46 percent. It remains unclear if the outcome of the vote could have been changed by instances such as this. Kabila won with 8.8 million votes, compared to 5.8 million for Tshisekedi, who took 32 percent of the vote. “We are very frustrated. It’s a big deception for us. You go and you vote, and it means nothing,” said opposition supporter 50-year-old Fabien Bukasa, who had the look of someone who doesn’t eat every day. He said that in his neighborhood, youth turned to vandalism in anger, but are now waiting to see what Tshisekedi says. “We went out, and we started to burn things,” he said. “On the spot. Because there was so much emotion. But the old man has asked us to stay calm. So we calmed ourselves. We are waiting for his instructions.” function mailpage() {mail_str = “mailto:?subject=Check out the article from”;mail_str += “&body=I thought you might be interested in this article. \r\n “;mail_str += “You can view it at, ” + location.href;location.href = mail_str;} Follow our twitter @jakpost& our public blog @blogIMO ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Post Comments| Comments () More World News Climate deal up for approval at UN conference3 women accept Nobel Peace Prize12 dead as light plane crashes in RPIndonesians dont deserve asylum,envoy saysFinance dispute may collapse REDD talks, Climate conference + index ![]() Paper Edition Math Olympiad winner stabbed to death over BBDurban deal moves forward on EU proposalProtesters target Democratic Party chiefBI governor criticizes banks for inefficiencyBlackBerry service at risk, again + index Life Sci-Tech Environment Body & Soul Art & Design Culture Lifestyle Entertainment People Features News & ViewsHeadlinesNationalArchipelagoBusinessJakartaWorldSportsExposeOpinionReaders’ forum HomeCompany ProfileOnline Media KitPrint Media KitWeekender Media KitAbout UsContact UsSite Map Copyright 2008 The Jakarta Post – PT Bina Media Tenggara. 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Posted: 10 Dec 2011 06:09 PM PST Sumber di istana presiden tidak mengkonfirmasi atau menyangkal pengunduran diri Lerner, yang tampaknya merupakan salah satu penasehat penting Humala. Secara hukum, jika perdana menteri mundur maka para menteri harus juga menyerahkan pengunduran diri mereka, untuk memberikan presiden kesempatan membuat perubahan atau mengkonfirmasi mereka dalam pos mereka masing-masing. Pemerintah Peru diguncang oleh protes-protes terhadap proyek tambang emas senilai 4,8 miliar dolar AS. Humala memberi militer dan polisi wewenang khusus untuk menghentikan demonstrasi-demonstrasi yang telah menutup jalan-jalan, sekolah-sekolah dan rumah sakit-rumah sakit di wilayah Cajamarca. Pada akhir pekan lalu, Lerner pribadi melakukan perundingan dengan para pemimpin protes selama berjam-jam tetapi dia gagal mencapai kesepakatan, yang mendorong langkah-langkah darurat oleh presiden. Humala, mantan perwira tentara, memenangi kursi kepresidenan pada Juni dengan janji untuk mengarahkan lebih banyak pengeluaran sosial kepada kota-kota pedesaan guna membantu menenangkan konflik sosial atas sumberdaya alam sekaligus menjamin perusahaan investasi mereka akan aman di Peru. Editor: Aditia Maruli COPYRIGHT © 2011 Source: – Mancanegara Berita Lain:
Plans for greater scrutiny of elderly care in England Posted: 10 Dec 2011 06:02 PM PST ![]() Plans to "radically drive up" standards of social care in England to protect the elderly have been unveiled by the government. They include an online "good care guide" to allow family members to rate and review care homes and providers. Committees featuring relatives of care users will also be formed to scrutinise services that do not meet standards. Age UK "broadly welcomed" the rating suggestion but called for more funding to improve the independent regulator. Care Services Minister Paul Burstow said the plans would help to tackle "quality and mistreatment". The ideas – proposed during workshops of care users and their relatives – will form plans for a new patients' rights group, Healthwatch. They will go on to form the basis of a white paper in the spring. As part of the plans, ratings for care and dignity standards for residential homes and home care providers would be published online, similar to the way websites used for booking holidays do. It would include the latest information from inspections, plus any record of mistreatment or abuse by staff, as well as feedback from care users and relatives. Under the proposals, local Healthwatch scrutiny teams would visit and speak to residents about their experiences. However any formal inspection would still rest with the Care Quality Commission (CQC), the independent regulator of health and social care services in England. Ministers hope it will provide a "more qualitative assessment" from the point of view of residents and their loved-ones of local care standards and would "empower people as never before" to choose the right care. Healthwatch will, by law, be able to use duties placed on care homes which contain state-funded residents to let representatives into their premises for visits. Ministers say they will look into options for allowing Healthwatch onto the premises of the minority of care homes with private-only residents. Age UK, the older people's charity, said it did not want to see the proposals detract from the work the CQC already does. "Age UK broadly welcomes the care home rating suggestion as a potentially useful addition to the existing system of care quality commission inspections and we have been calling for elements of the proposals for a while," a spokesman said. "But most important is radical and urgent reform to ensure a fair and sustainable care system for the future, which is why we are calling for a white paper in the spring which embraces the recommendations of the Dilnot Commission." The Dilnot Commission was a government-backed review into the long-term funding of care in the elderly. It recommended that social care costs in England should be capped so people do not face losing large chunks of their assets but ruled out calling for care to be free. The report also argued that there should be a national standard so everyone had the same access no matter where they lived. source: bbcuk Berita Lain:
+ Arsip Berita Indonesia - Plans for greater scrutiny of elderly care in England. |
Kawasaki Binter Merzy, Lokal Retro Posted: 10 Dec 2011 06:02 PM PST ![]() Tak ingin larut dalam dunia aliran modifikasi retro, Ilham Ramadan ingin memberikan nuansa baru. Tentunya lewat ciri khas yang diterapkan di Binter Merzy miliknya ini. Coba menerapkan konsep minimalis. Meskipun, paham alirannya berkesan retro. Maka itu, saya sendiri menyebutnya aliran lokal retro, ungkap Ilham yang punya workshop berngaran UColour ini. Konsep minimalis dimaksud, soal pemotongan sasis. Nah, ini yang coba dihindari modifikator 46 tahun itu. Artinya, doi lebih pilih pertahankan sasis standar tanpa memotong frame terpenting. Misalnya back bone dan juga bagian las-lasan pabrik. “Karena saya yakin, disitu letak kekuatan dan kenyamanan dari sebuah motor. Kalau sudah mengubah, posisi ergonomi takut tidak nyaman. Lebih baik bikin rangka baru sekalian, aku pria yang workshopnya di Perum Depok Maharaja, Blok J2/12A, Depok, Jawa Barat. Sebenarnya juga, konsep di Merzy ini mengacu ke dua aliran berbeda. Yaitu, hot rod dan brat style. Kesan aliran yang pertama, diwujudkan lewat drop seat yang dibuat turun layaknya pacuan yang aplikasi rangka rigid. Permainan warna dan pen striping dari DJ Airbrush di Depok II, ikut memperkuat kesan hot rod. Lalu, kesan brat style dimunculkan dari suspensi belakang yang tetap aplikasi dua peredam kejut. Terakhir, wadah bahan bakar aplikasi milik Zundap. Tapi, nut dipermukaan digerinda agar tangki tampil polos. Supaya tak menggangu proses pen striping, tutup pria akrab disapa Uam itu. ( DATA MODIFIKASI Penulis : Eka | Teks Editor : Nurfil | Foto : Herry AXL Tags : Modif Kawasaki Binter Merzy, UColour, Source: OtomotifNet Berita Lain:
+ Arsip Berita Indonesia - Kawasaki Binter Merzy, Lokal Retro. |
Ducati Rilis Monster 795 di Indonesia, Harga Rp 225 Juta Posted: 10 Dec 2011 06:02 PM PST ![]() Setelah sebelumnya dirilis di Negeri Jiran Malaysia, kini (10/12) pabrikan motor asal Italia, Ducati merilis varian terbaru, Monster 795 di Jakarta. Motor ini menjadi istimewa karena di desain dan dipasarkan khusus di Asia. Agustus Sani Nugroho, Presiden Direktur Ducati Indonesia menyatakan jika Monster 795 sangat cocok dikendarai oleh orang Asia karena proporsinya yang tergolong kecil dibanding Ducati lain. “Meski demikian, motor yang dirakit di Thailand ini menggunakan mesin yang sama dengan varian Monster 796 versi Eropa. Sehingga motor tetaplah bertenaga seperti varian Ducati lainnya,” pungkas pria berkacamata itu. Terlihat dari bobot ringannya yang hanya 167 kg, atau lebih ringan dari Kawasaki ER-6n (Ninja 650) yang 178 kg. Serta jarak tinggi jok nya 770 mm yang membuat pengendara Asia yang rata-rata memiliki tinggi 170 cm dapat menjejak kaki ke tanah dengan nyaman. Toh demikian, sosok Monster yang sangar tak hilang dari varian entry level ini. Sebut saja headlamp bulat split dan tangki besar berpadu dengan sasis turbular. Knalpot ganda model undertail yang bikin buritan makin berisi. Sementara sektor mesinnya dikawal L-Twin 2 katup desmodromic 803 cc berpendingin udara. Mesin yang menempel di sasis turbular parameter tersebut mampu melecut tenaga hingga 87 dk. Sedangkan untuk harganya, Monster 795 dilepas Rp 225 juta on the road Jakarta. Tapi saat ini, Monster 795 baru tersedia dalam warna merah khas Ducati. “Dan kami memberikan diskon khusus Jabodetabek sebesar Rp 10 juta hingga akhir Desember, yang menjadikan harga Monster 795 hanya Rp 215 juta saja,” jelas Nugroho. ( Penulis : Ilham | Teks Editor : Nurfil | Foto : Ducati Tags : Ducati Monster 795, Agustus Sani Nugroho, L-Twin desmodromic, Source: OtomotifNet Berita Lain:
+ Arsip Berita Indonesia - Ducati Rilis Monster 795 di Indonesia, Harga Rp 225 Juta. |
Nunun Bisa Buka Tabir Dalang Utama Posted: 10 Dec 2011 05:58 PM PST Minggu, 11 Desember 2011 08:34 WIB PEKANBARU: Wakil Ketua Komisi III DPR RI (bidang Hukum), Azis Syamsuddin (Fraksi Partai Golkar), menilai, dengan tertangkapnya Nunun Nurbaeti, dapat membuka tabir dalang utama kasus suap traveller cheque pemilihan Deputi Gubernur Senior Bank Indonesia, Miranda Goeltom. Source: media indonesia Berita Lain:
+ Arsip Berita Indonesia - Nunun Bisa Buka Tabir Dalang Utama. |
Climate deal up for approval at UN conference Posted: 10 Dec 2011 05:49 PM PST Climate deal up for approval at UN conference Associated Press, Durban, South Africa | Sun, 12/11/2011 8:18 AM A |A |A| Diplomats frazzled by sleeplessness debated into the early hours of Sunday at a U.N. conference over a complex and far-reaching program meant to set a new course for the global fight against climate change for the coming decades. South Africa’s foreign minister and chairman of the 194-party conference, Maite Nkoana-Mashabane, told delegates that failure to agree after 13 days of work would be an unsustainable setback for international efforts to control greenhouse gases. “This multilateral system remains fragile and will not survive another shock,” she told a full meeting of the conference, which had been delayed more than 24 hours while ministers and senior negotiators labored over words and nuances. The proposed Durban Platform offered answers to problems that have bedeviled global warming negotiations for years about sharing the responsibility for controlling carbon emissions and helping the world’s poorest and most climate-vulnerable nations cope with changing forces of nature. The package must be approved by consensus, and no vote will be called. Determined opposition from even a small group of countries would unravel the deal put together after hundreds of hours of contentious negotiations. Speakers from many developed countries said the package of documents more than 100 pages thick did not go far enough to help poor nations and did not require industrial countries to make more immediate and serious cuts in their carbon emissions. But most said they would accept it for lack of a better option. But not Venezuela. “We all know this is a very bad agreement, that it will require more work next year and it cannot be adopted,” chief delegate Claudia Solerno said. After weeks of being accused of obstructionism and delay, U.S. climate envoy Todd Stern voiced surprisingly strong support for the deal. “This is a very significant package. None of us likes everything in it. Believe me, there is plenty the United States is not thrilled about,” Stern said. But the package captured important advances that would be undone if it is rejected. Saturday afternoon, as negotiations dragged on with no sign of breakthrough, some ministers and top negotiators left Durban with no assurance of an agreement. European Commissioner Connie Hedegaard, drawn and fatigued after two nights with minimal sleep, warned that failure in Durban would jeopardize new momentum in acting against global warming. Introducing the package lat Saturday, Nkoana-Mashabane said its four documents, which were being printed as she spoke, were an imperfect compromise, but they reflected years of negotiations on the most central political responses to global warming. The package would give new life to the 1997 Kyoto Protocol, whose carbon emissions target expire next year and apply only to industrial countries. A separate document obliges major developing nations like China and India, excluded under Kyoto, to accept legally binding emissions targets in the future, by 2020 at the latest. Together, the two documents overhaul a system designed 20 years ago tat divide the world into a handful of wealthy countries facing legal obligations to reduce emissions, and the rest of the world which could undertake voluntary efforts to control carbon. The European Union, the primary bloc falling under the Kyoto Protocol’s reduction commitments, said an extension of its targets was conditional on major developing countries also accepting limits with the same legal accountability. The 20th century division of the globe into two unequal parts was invalid in today’s world, the EU said. The package also would set up the structure and governing bodies of a Green Climate Fund, which wil receive and distribute billions of dollars promised annually to poor countries to help them adapt to changing climate conditions and to move toward low-carbon economic growth. But the document made no specific mention of how those funds would be mobilized. Wealthy countries have pledged $100 billion a year by2020 to poor countries, scaling up from $10 billion today. The remaining document of more than 50 pages lays out rules for monitoring and verifying emissions reductions, protecting forests, transferring clean technologies to developing countries and scores of technical issues. In the final hours, talks focused on unresolved differences on a clause encouraging countries to pledge greater reductions of greenhouse gases and to close what is known as the “ambition gap.” More than 80 countries have made either legally binding or voluntary pledges to control carbon emissions. But taken together, they will not go far enough to avert a potentially catastrophic rise in average temperatures this century, according to scientific modeling and projections. Hedegaard said a lack of ambition could derail progress made on a host of other issues. Countries had made concessions that they had resisted for years, and it would be “irresponsible” to lose that momentum now, she said. Strong language on curbing emissions is of prime importance to small islands endangered by rising ocean levels and by many poor countries who live in extreme conditions that will be worsened by global warming. Throughout the talks, the U.S., China and India remained stubbornly opposed to the EU’s plan to negotiate a successor to the Kyoto accord by 2020 that also would put them under legal obligations. The talks would conclude by 2015, allowing five years for it to be ratified by national legislatures. The plan insists the new agreement equally oblige all countries – not just the few industrial powers – to abide by emission targets. Hours were devoted to arcane but diplomatically important questions of whether the objective of the talks was a legal “framework,” an “outcome,” or an “instrument.” The expiring of Kyoto’s targets have hung over the U.N. process for years, and was the most contentious issue dividing rich and poor nations. Developing countries were adamant that the Kyoto commitments continue since it is the only agreement that compels any nation to reduce emissions. Industrial countries say the document is deeply flawed because it makes no demands on heavily polluting developing countries. It was for that reason that the U.S. never ratified it. Agreement by developing countries to accept binding targets essentially redraws the map. “That’s a very big deal,” said Samantha Smith, of WWF International. “That reflects a major macroeconomic and geopolitical change” in climate negotiations. function mailpage() {mail_str = “mailto:?subject=Check out the article from”;mail_str += “&body=I thought you might be interested in this article. \r\n “;mail_str += “You can view it at, ” + location.href;location.href = mail_str;} Follow our twitter @jakpost& our public blog @blogIMO ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Post Comments| Comments () More World News 3 women accept Nobel Peace Prize12 dead as light plane crashes in RPIndonesians dont deserve asylum,envoy saysFinance dispute may collapse REDD talks, Climate conferenceUK to present the best of the country at festival + index ![]() Paper Edition Math Olympiad winner stabbed to death over BBDurban deal moves forward on EU proposalProtesters target Democratic Party chiefBI governor criticizes banks for inefficiencyBlackBerry service at risk, again + index Life Sci-Tech Environment Body & Soul Art & Design Culture Lifestyle Entertainment People Features News & ViewsHeadlinesNationalArchipelagoBusinessJakartaWorldSportsExposeOpinionReaders’ forum HomeCompany ProfileOnline Media KitPrint Media KitWeekender Media KitAbout UsContact UsSite Map Copyright 2008 The Jakarta Post – PT Bina Media Tenggara. 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+ Arsip Berita Indonesia - Climate deal up for approval at UN conference. |
Justin Bieber dan Selena Gomez Tunangan Posted: 10 Dec 2011 05:49 PM PST ![]() LOS ANGELES Justin Bieber dan Selena Gomez terlihat menikmati liburannya di Meksiko beberapa waktu lalu. Namun ada yang berubah dari Selena. Saat itu ia terlihat mengenakan sebuah cincin. Mereka tunangan? Kabar itu berhembus ketika keduanya terlihat berjalan di bandara menuju tempat liburannya. Selena yang saat itu memegang rambut kedapatan memakai sebuah cincin di jari manisnya. Seperti dilansir Us Weekly, Kamis (11/12) juru bicara Selena mengaku semua kabar itu tidak benar. “Mereka tidak bertunangan,” ungkapnya. Pelantun ‘Never Say Never’ itu memang masih berusia 17 tahun. Bahkan banyak yang berpendapat keduanya tak mungkin secepat itu untuk berkomitmen. Sebelumnya, Bieber juga mengaku tak ingin segera menikah. Ia memilih untuk membina rumah tangga saat usianya menginjak 25 tahun. “Jika waktunya tepat, saya ingin menikah di usia 25 tahun. Saya tak ingin menikah sekarang,” ungkapnya kepada Women’s Wear Daily September lalu. [int] Source: nonblok online Berita Lain:
+ Arsip Berita Indonesia - Justin Bieber dan Selena Gomez Tunangan. |
Tertangkapnya Nunun Kado Hari Antikorupsi Posted: 10 Dec 2011 05:47 PM PST Minggu, 11 Desember 2011 08:25 WIB Foto : MI/Mohamad Irfan/bo PEKANBARU: Anggota Komisi III DPR RI dari Fraksi PDI Perjuangan Trimedia Pandjaitan, mengatakan, keberhasilan aparat melakukan penangkapan atas Nunun Nurbaeti, merupakan kado Hari Anti Korupsi se-Dunia yang diperingati Jumat (9/12) lalu. “Selain itu, ini dapat dianggap sebagai kado para pimpinan Komisi Pemberantasan Korupsi (KPK) yang lama, yang sekitar seminggu lagi akan meninggalkan posisinya, diganti pimpinan baru,” ungkapnya, Minggu (11/12). Hanya saja, ia mengingatkan, agar euforia keberhasilan atau sukses menangkap Nunun Nurbaeti yang sudah jadi buron negara itu, jangan sampai mengendurkan upaya menuntaskan kasus suap atau gratifikasi pemilihan Deputi Gubernur Senior (DGS) Bank Indonesia (BI). Ia mengatakan itu, sehubungan dengan pengumuman resmi Menko Polhukam dan Pimpinan KPK atas keberhasilan menangkap tersangka kasus suap cek perjalanan pemilihan DGS BI itu. “Sekarang mari kita kawal upaya penuntasan perkara suap itu yang telah menjadikan Nunun sebagai tersangka. Sebab, sedikitnya 26 anggota anggota DPR RI periode 1999-2004 telah mengalami proses hukum terkait kasus ini,” ungkapnya. Penangkapan atas Nunun terjadi di Thailand, Jumat (9/12) bertepatan dengan peringatan Hari Anti Korupsi se-Dunia. Namun, Wakil Ketua KPK, Chandra Hamzah kepada pers menyebut, penangkapan sebetulnya terjadi sejak Rabu (7/12). “Yang penting sekarang, stop dulu euforia. Mari kita kawal proses hukumnya, karena sudah banyak yang jadi korban sebelumnya,” tandas Trimedia. (Ant/OL-04) Source: media indonesia Berita Lain:
+ Arsip Berita Indonesia - Tertangkapnya Nunun Kado Hari Antikorupsi. |
Posted: 10 Dec 2011 05:41 PM PST ![]() Karim Benzema pencetak gol tercepat Real Madrid (REUTERS) Tapi, gol dari Real adalah gol tercepat yang tercipta dalam sejarah El Clasico atau pertandingan antara dua klub raksasa Spanyol itu. Pemain penyerang Karim Benzema asal Prancis mencetak gol tercepat itu untuk memberi keunggulan 1-0 pada Real setelah kiper Barcelona Victor Valdes melakukan penyapuan. Alexis Sanchez, yang terpilih ditempatkan di depan David Villa, menyamakan kedudukan di menit ke-30, setelah mendapat umpan matang dari Lionel Messi. Satu tembakan dari Xavi di menit ke-53 berhasil melewati Marcelo dan tidak berhasil dirai kiper Real Iker Casillas saat Barcelona mengukir keunggulan 2-1 melalui kerja kerasnya.” Cesc Fabregas menambahkan gol ketiga bagi Barca di menit ke-65, dengan menandukan bola sekencangnya setelah mendapat umpan matang dari Dani Alves. Itu merupakan gol kesepuluh di liga bagi mantan pemain Arsenal tersebut pada musim ini.Real kini hanya berselisih gol dengan Barca. Editor: Aditia Maruli COPYRIGHT © 2011 Source: – Olahraga Berita Lain:
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