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- Witness links private to secrets seen on WikiLeaks
- 5 Tanda Kekasih Akan Minta Putus
- Israel Bebaskan 550 Tahanan Palestina
- Gempa Bumi Guncang Palu
- AZ Menyerah 2-1 dari NAC Breda
- Philippine storm toll exceeds 650, 900 missing
- 452 anggota PSSI sepakat mosi tidak percaya
- 2012, Kapal keruk dan dok terapung kena bea masuk 5%
- Pengusaha keberatan verifikasi rotan
- Celtic Terus Tempel Rangers
Witness links private to secrets seen on WikiLeaks Posted: 18 Dec 2011 06:22 PM PST Witness links private to secrets seen on WikiLeaks Dabid Dishneau and Pauline Jelinek, The Associated Press, Fort Meade, Maryland | Sun, 12/18/2011 5:07 PM A |A |A| A computer-crimes investigator testified Sunday he found more than 10,000 diplomatic cables and other sensitive information on the work computer of the Army private charged with spilling a mountain of secrets to WikiLeaks. Moreover, Special Agent David Shaver told a military hearing he discovered evidence that someone had used the computer to streamline the downloading of the cables with the apparent aim of “moving them out.” It was the government’s first hard evidence linking Pfc. Bradley Manning with the wealth of confidential government information that showed up on WikiLeaks: battlefield reports from Iraq and Afghanistan, diplomatic communications, a military video showing a US helicopter attack that killed 11 men, and more. Shaver’s appearance capped the third day of a hearing that will determine whether Manning will be court-martialed on 22 charges, including aiding the enemy. The testimony was potentially the most damaging so far. Shaver said the material he found at the intelligence analyst’s workstation in Iraq was all linked to the username bradley.manning or Manning’s user profile. He said he examined two computers that were assigned to Manning while he was working in Baghdad in 2009 and 2010. The other machine, he said, contained evidence that someone had conducted more than 100 searches using the keywords “WikiLeaks” and “Julian Assange,” the organization’s leader. Those terms seemed “out of place” on a computer that was used for analyzing intelligence about Iraq, said Shaver, who is to be cross examined by Manning’s defense Monday. Shaver told the hearing that in addition to the cables, he found assessments of Guantanamo Bay terrorist detainees and several versions of the 2007 helicopter attack video on Manning’s computer. Manning’s lawyers have neither acknowledged nor denied that the intelligence analyst was behind the leaks. Instead, they have pressed the government to explain why Manning remained entrusted with access to highly sensitive information after showing hostile behavior to those around him. A supervisor who might have shed light on that question Sunday refused to testify. Manning, 24, could face life in prison if convicted. In camouflaged fatigues and dark rimmed-glasses, he sat mostly forward for the third straight day, appearing calm, listening intently to the witnesses and occasionally writing on paper in front of him. He didn’t speak Sunday except for the few occasions he leaned over to consult with his civilian defense attorney, David Coombs, each time first switching off the defense table microphone for privacy. Manning’s defense sought to build on its case that his supervisors on the 2nd Brigade Combat Team should have seen enough red flags to suspend or revoke his access to secret information months before the leaks. Capt. Casey Fulton, an Army intelligence officer, testified Sunday it was impossible to supervise analysts such as Manning constantly. “You have to trust that they’ll safeguard the material the way that they’ve been taught,” she said. The defense has emphasized what it regards as a failure by Manning’s closest supervisor, Sgt. 1st Class Paul Adkins, to suspend the intelligence security clearance after at least two fits of rage by the private during which he overturned furniture. Adkins refused to testify Sunday, invoking his right against self-incrimination, when summoned by the government. Other testimony revealed that Manning was sometimes angry and distant with others from his unit. The defense has said that Manning, who is gay, was bullied by fellow soldiers. Manning’s defense team says he told Adkins he suffered from gender-identity disorder – the belief that he was born the wrong sex. Manning is accused of illegally leaking a trove of secret information that surfaced on the anti-secrecy website WikiLeaks. The breach rattled US foreign relations and, according to the government, imperiled valuable military and diplomatic sources. Defense attorneys argue the leaked material did little or no damage to US interests. function mailpage() {mail_str = “mailto:?subject=Check out the article from”;mail_str += “&body=I thought you might be interested in this article. \r\n “;mail_str += “You can view it at, ” + location.href;location.href = mail_str;} Follow our twitter @jakpost& our public blog @blogIMO ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Post Comments| Comments () More World News Philippine storm toll exceeds 650, 900 missingEgyptian troops, protesters clash for 3rd dayMRT breakdown: Dislodged rail claws found by SMRT and LTAFilipinos to miss Christmas with families as 530 die in stormS. Korean president presses Japan on sex slaves + index ![]() Paper Edition 200 missing in boat tragedySharia police need better educationCity calls on Jakartans to safeguard ChristmasHouses fact-finding team confirms nine deaths in MesujiCattle import reduction not retaliation: Ministry + index Life Sci-Tech Environment Body & Soul Art & Design Culture Lifestyle Entertainment People Features News & ViewsHeadlinesNationalArchipelagoBusinessJakartaWorldSportsExposeOpinionReaders’ forum HomeCompany ProfileOnline Media KitPrint Media KitWeekender Media KitAbout UsContact UsSite Map Copyright 2008 The Jakarta Post – PT Bina Media Tenggara. All Rights Reserved. var gaJsHost = ((“https:” == document.location.protocol) ? “https://ssl.” : “http://www.”);document.write(unescape(“%3Cscript src=’” + gaJsHost + “’ type=’text/javascript’%3E%3C/script%3E”));try {var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker(“UA-8353993-1″);pageTracker._trackPageview();} catch(err) {}
+ Arsip Berita Indonesia - Witness links private to secrets seen on WikiLeaks. |
5 Tanda Kekasih Akan Minta Putus Posted: 18 Dec 2011 06:17 PM PST ![]() Dok. Thinkstock Jakarta – Dibandingkan wanita, pria lebih sulit mengambil inisiatif untuk membicarakan persoalan asmara dengan pasangannya. Itulah sebabnya, ketika pria merasa sudah tidak cocok dengan wanita yang dipacarinya, mereka lebih banyak diam dan memendam perasaan sehingga akhirnya menyebabkan efek gunung es. Tapi para ahli mengatakan, ada perilaku dan tindakan tertentu yang bisa dibaca ketika pria sudah tak lagi mencintai kekasihnya. Menurut Paul Dobransky, MD dalam bukunya ‘The Secret Psychology of Fall In Love’ seperti dikutip Cosmopolitan, ini dia lima tanda pria mungkin akan memutuskan Anda: 1. Membenamkan Diri dalam Pekerjaan 2. Tak Pernah Lagi Mengajak Anda untuk Kumpul Bersama Teman-temannya 3. Membicarakan Topik yang Tak Berkaitan dengan Hubungan Anda 4. Jaga Jarak 5. Berhenti Mengirimi Pesan Teks yang ‘Sepele’ (hst/eny) Install Aplikasi “Wolipop” GRATIS untuk smartphone Anda, di sini. Source: wolipop Berita Lain:
+ Arsip Berita Indonesia - 5 Tanda Kekasih Akan Minta Putus. |
Israel Bebaskan 550 Tahanan Palestina Posted: 18 Dec 2011 06:16 PM PST ![]() BEITUNIA – Israel kembali membebaskan ratusan tahanan Palestina pada Minggu tengah malam waktu setempat. Bebasnya 550 tahanan ini merupakan fase final dari perjanjian pertukaran tahanan antara Hamas dan Israel. Sebelumnya Israel sepakat untuk membebaskan pertukaran dari total 1.027 tahanan Palestina dengan prajurit Israel Sersan Gilad Schalit yang ditahah oleh Hamas sejak Juni 2006 lalu. Schalit kembali ke rumah saat fase pertama pertukaran tahanan dilakukan yang membebaskan 477 tahanan Palestina. Tetapi tidak ada drama dalam pertukaran tahanan yang terjadi di fase kedua ini, mengingat Schalit sudah dibebaskan. Sebian besar tahanan yang dibebaskan pada fase pertama adalah militan yang menjalani masa hukuman seumur hidip akibat keterlibatan dalam pengeboman bus dan serangan mematikan lainnya terhadap warga Israel. Bebasnya tahanan ini menyulut perayaan dari para warga Palestina. Sementara kondisi serupa terlihat saat sisa tahanan Palestina turut dibebaskan. Di Gaza, ratusan warga menyambut mereka dengan suka cita dan bahkan dengan letusan tembakan. Pihak Hamas sendiri menyambut baik bebasnya tahanan Palestina ini. “Kami berhasil membebaskan 20 persen dari tahanan kami dari penjara Israel yang ditukar dengan seorang prajurit,” ungkap juru bicara Hamas Abu Obeida seperti dikutip CBS News, Senin (19/12/2011). Lebih dari 500 tahanan tersebut saat ini dikirim ke Tepi Barat yang memang dikuasai oleh Hamas. Tetapi Presiden Palestina Mahmoud Abbas meyakini, tahanan yang dibebaskan adalah anggota Fatah yang dipimpin olehnya. (faj) Source: OkeZone – International Berita Lain:
+ Arsip Berita Indonesia - Israel Bebaskan 550 Tahanan Palestina. |
Posted: 18 Dec 2011 06:16 PM PST PALU, – Gempa bumi mengguncang Kota Palu, Senin pagi (19/12/2011), sekitar pukul 09.23 WITA. Getaran gempa selama sekitar 30 detik itu terasa cukup kuat sehingga warga sempat berlarian ke luar rumah atau kantor untuk menghindari dampak gempa tersebut. Belum ada keterangan dari BMKG setempat soal kekuatan getaran dan pusat gempa ini. Sumber : Antara Source: kompas regional Berita Lain:
AZ Menyerah 2-1 dari NAC Breda Posted: 18 Dec 2011 06:09 PM PST Senin, 19 Desember 2011 08:39 WIB AMSTERDAM: Pemuncak klasemen Eredivisie AZ Alkmaar hanya unggul satu poin saat Liga Belanda tersebut memasuki istirahat musim dingin setelah menyerah 2-1 dari NAC Breda. Source: media indonesia Berita Lain:
Philippine storm toll exceeds 650, 900 missing Posted: 18 Dec 2011 06:08 PM PST Philippine storm toll exceeds 650, 900 missing Bullit Marquez and Jim Gomez, Associated Press, Iligan | Mon, 12/19/2011 8:43 AM A |A |A| As a storm that killed more than 650 in the southern Philippines raged outside the store where she works, Amor Limbago worriedly called home to check on her parents, but their cellphones just kept ringing and later went dead. Limbago, 21, rushed home as soon as the flash floods receded and confirmed her worst fear: Her parents and seven other relatives were gone, swept away from their hut by the river. They had eagerly planned a small Christmas dinner in that hut just days earlier. “I returned and saw that our house was completely gone,” a weeping Limbago told The Associated Press from Cagayan de Oro city. “There was nothing but mud all over and knee-deep floodwaters.” Tropical Storm Washi blew away Sunday after devastating a wide swath of the mountainous region on Mindanao island, which is unaccustomed to major storms. It killed at least 652 people and left more than 900 others missing, the Philippine Red Cross said. Most of the victims were asleep Friday night when flash floods cascaded down mountain slopes with logs and uprooted trees, swelling rivers. The late-season tropical storm turned the worst-hit coastal cities of Cagayan de Oro and nearby Iligan into muddy wastelands filled with overturned cars and broken trees. Most of the dead were children and women, Red Cross Secretary General Gwendolyn Pang said. Iligan Mayor Lawrence Cruz said Monday that he was suggesting a mass burial because of health concerns. Apart from the decomposing bodies, dead livestock lie scattered in the mud. Leaders around the world, including U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton, offered help and Pope Benedict XVI on Sunday said he would pray “for the victims, largely children, for the homeless, and for the numerous ones gone missing”. The government’s Office of Civil Defense placed the number of dead at 516 with 274 missing and 431 others rescued. Its head, Benito Ramos, said he expected the toll o rise and added that the government count was slower because authorities try to identify each casualty by verifying it with relatives. Defense Secretary Voltaire Gazmin and top military officials flew to Cagayan de Oro and Iligan to help oversee search-and-rescue efforts and deal with about 45,000 displaced vllagers. Among the items urgently needed are coffins and body bags, said Benito Ramos, who heads the government’s disaster-response agency. “It’s overwhelming. We didn’t expect these many dead,” said Ramos, adding that authorities were continuing to find bodies floating at sea. Although the disaster-proe Philippines is lashed by about 20 typhoons and storms annually, the devastation shocked many, coming close to Christmas – the predominantly Roman Catholic nation’s most-awaited time for family reunions. Army officials in the south said they canceled Christmas parties and would donate the food to homeless survivor. Limbago said she and her mother, Jean, 50, and father Amancio, 63, planned to have a simple Christmas dinner of spaghetti. Those plans had evaporated Sunday as she and surviving relatives checked crowded morgues, hospitals and evacuation centers for any sign of her missing parents. Others lost homes andbelongings but were happy to have survived. Edmund Rubio, a 44-year-old engineer, said he, his wife and two children scrambled to the second floor of their house in Iligan city as floodwaters engulfed the first floor, destroying his TV set and other appliances and washing away his car and motorcycle. Amidthe panic, he heard a loud pounding on his door as neighbors living in nearby one-story houses pleaded with him to allow them up to his second floor. He said he brought 30 neighbors to the safety of his house, which later shook when a huge floating log slammed into it. “It’s the most important thing, that allof us will still be together this Christmas,” Rubio told the AP. About a block away from Rubio’s house, rescuers used a backhoe and shovels to search for 19 people in the muddy ruins of a two-story house that collapsed when it was hit by a massive log. They dug out 11 bodies from the site Saturday, witnesses aid. Army officers reported unidentified bodies piled up in morgues in Cagayan de Oro, where electricity was restored in some areas, although the city of more than 500,000 people remained without tap water. At least 346 died in Cagayan de Oro and 206 in Iligan, the Red Cross said. The death toll was expected to rise because many isolated villages still had not been reached by overwhelmed disaster-response personnel. “Our fear is there may have been whole families that perished so there’s nobody to report what happened,” Pang said. Both Iligan, a bustling industrial center about 485 miles (780 kilometers) southeast of Manila, and Cagayan de Oro were filled with scenes of destruction and desperation. A lone worker gingerly embalmed scores of bodies laid side by side in an Iligan city funeral parlor. Outside the embalming room, seven white coffins were placed in a corridor, surrounded by weeping relatives. “Many mothers, fathers were walking from one funeral parlor to another, looking for their children,” said army Maj. Eugenio Osias, who led a rescue effort in Cagayan de Oro. Ramos attributed the high casualties “partly to the complacency of people because they are not in the usual path of storms” despite warnings by officials that one was approaching. In just 12 hours, Washi dumped more than a month of average rain on Mindanao. Thousands of soldiers and hundreds of local police, reservists, coast guard officers and civilian volunteers were mobilized for rescue efforts, but were hampered by flooded-out roads and lack of electricity. Rescuers in boats rushed offshore to save people swept out to sea. function mailpage() {mail_str = “mailto:?subject=Check out the article from”;mail_str += “&body=I thought you might be interested in this article. \r\n “;mail_str += “You can view it at, ” + location.href;location.href = mail_str;} Follow our twitter @jakpost& our public blog @blogIMO ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Post Comments| Comments () More World News Egyptian troops, protesters clash for 3rd dayMRT breakdown: Dislodged rail claws found by SMRT and LTAFilipinos to miss Christmas with families as 530 die in stormS. Korean president presses Japan on sex slavesSpore rattled by week of subway breakdowns + index ![]() Paper Edition 200 missing in boat tragedyCattle import reduction not retaliation: MinistryCharming dances at Namarinas 55th anniversaryBy the way … A ghost on Christmas Eve (only)Vintage cars exhibition draws young crowds + index Life Sci-Tech Environment Body & Soul Art & Design Culture Lifestyle Entertainment People Features News & ViewsHeadlinesNationalArchipelagoBusinessJakartaWorldSportsExposeOpinionReaders’ forum HomeCompany ProfileOnline Media KitPrint Media KitWeekender Media KitAbout UsContact UsSite Map Copyright 2008 The Jakarta Post – PT Bina Media Tenggara. All Rights Reserved. var gaJsHost = ((“https:” == document.location.protocol) ? “https://ssl.” : “http://www.”);document.write(unescape(“%3Cscript src=’” + gaJsHost + “’ type=’text/javascript’%3E%3C/script%3E”));try {var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker(“UA-8353993-1″);pageTracker._trackPageview();} catch(err) {}
+ Arsip Berita Indonesia - Philippine storm toll exceeds 650, 900 missing. |
452 anggota PSSI sepakat mosi tidak percaya Posted: 18 Dec 2011 06:05 PM PST Dilandaskan dengan 10 butir dasar-dasar alasan tuntutan, forum yang terdiri atas 27 Pengurus Provinsi (Pengprov) PSSI, klub Liga Super, klub Divisi Utama serta Divisi 1, 2 dan 3 tersebut kemudian menyampaikan Mosi Tak Percaya berdasarkan Pasal 31 Statuta PSSI dan kemudian meminta Komite Eksekutif (Exco) menyelenggarakan Kongres Luar Biasa. Dalam sidang yang dipimpin oleh Forum Pengprof PSSI (FPP) yang diketuai Dwi Irianto, sejumlah perwakilan dari pengurus klub, Pengprov, pelatih saling menyampaikan pemandangan umum di podium. Sejak acara dimulai pukul 19.30 WIB, ruang besar (ballroom) hotel megah berukuran sekitar 40×50 meter tersebut sudah ramai dengan teriakan-teriakan menuntut digelarnya Kongres Luar Biasa dan ungkapan rasa tidak percaya kepada pengurus PSSI periode 2011-2015. “Ketua Umum PSSI telah berlaku sewenang-wenang, tidak amanah, tidak bisa bersikap netral dan memimpin dalam tekanan. Dia juga telah memanfaatkan jabatannya untuk kepentingan kelompok tertentu,” ujar Hardi Hasan, salah seorang anggota Tim FPP. Ketua FPP Dwi Irianto mengungkapkan, mayoritas anggota PSSI menghadiri RASN tersebut sehingga sikap dari hasil RASN sah untuk ditindak-lanjuti. “Kami sampaikan bahwa sampai saat ini sebanyak 452 anggota PSSI telah hadir dalam forum ini, artinya dua pertiga anggota PSSI hadir di sini termasuk perwakilan dari 29 Pengprov PSSI,” kata Dwi Irianto. Acara diawali dengan pemandangan umum dari sejumlah pihak, di antara Anggota Komisi X DPR RI Zulfadly yang menyatakan bahwa pemerintah pun kecewa dengan tindak tanduk kepengurusan PSSI saat ini yang telah melenceng dari janjinya. “Beberapa saat setelah Djohar Arifin terpilih sebagai ketua umum, beliau menyampaikan tiga hal pokok yakni akan membuat kepengurusan yang ramping, menggelar kompetisi profesional dan menghormati Statuta dalam rangka rekonsiliasi. Tapi pada kenyataannya semua dilanggar dan mereka terus bersikeras. Untuk itu kami persilakan saja anggota PSSI untuk melakukan perbaikan melalui forum seperti ini,” ujar Zulfadly. Ketua Pengprov Riau, Indra Muchlis Adnan dan Sekretaris Pengprov Papua Husni Thamrin yang dipersilakan menyampaikan pemandangannya menyerukan perlunya dilakukan perombakan susunan kepengurusan PSSI dan memilih figur pemimpin yang tulus untuk benar-benar membenahi sepakbola nasional yang bisa mengayomi semua pihak. “Kami mohon bantuan Komite Eksekutif agar membantu Steering Committe untuk membuka kembali hak Indonesia (Persipura) agar tetap tampil di Liga Champion Asia,” ujar Husni Thamrin. Sementara pelatih Sutan Harhara yang ikut berbicara di podium mengatakan, kepengurusan PSSI saat ini telah banyak melakukan kebohongan publik dan melakukan ancaman-ancaman kepada pihak yang dianggap berseberangan. “Kami minta bubarkan pengurus PSSI periode 2011-2015,” ujarnya. Anggota Exco Usai keempat narasumber tersebut, kemudian empat anggota Exco secara bergiliran menyampaikan pandangannya yakni Tony Apriliani, Erwin Budiana, Roberto Rouw dan La Nyalla Mattalitti Mahmud. Roberto Rouw mengungkapkan berbagai kejanggalan yang dilakukan –khususnya– oleh Ketua Umum PSSI, Wakil Ketua Umum PSSI dan Komite Kompetisi Sihar Sitorus selama empat bulan bercokol di PSSI. “Apa pun yang diputuskan dari RASN ini adalah sah adanya dan harus dilaksanakan oleh keluarga besar PSSI,” ujar Roberto Rouw. La Nyala sebagai figur terakhir yang menyampaikan pemandangannya, dengan lantang menyerukan agar dibentuk Komite Penyelamat Sepakbola Indonesia untuk kemudian menuntut digelarnya KLB dalam waktu secepatnya. Sesuai data, jumlah anggota PSSI secara keseluruhan sebanyak 583. La Nyalla mengklaim, jika yang hadir dalam RASN adalah sebanyak 480, maka pemilik suara yang tidak hadir hanya sekitar 103. (PSO-132/A008) Editor: Kliwon COPYRIGHT © 2011 Source: – Olahraga Berita Lain:
+ Arsip Berita Indonesia - 452 anggota PSSI sepakat mosi tidak percaya. |
2012, Kapal keruk dan dok terapung kena bea masuk 5% Posted: 18 Dec 2011 06:01 PM PST JAKARTA. Pemerintah mulai selektif memberlakukan bea masuk impor kapal. Mulai tahun depan, Kementerian Perindustrian ingin impor dua jenis kapal, yaitu kapal keruk dan dok terapung dikenakan bea masuk 5%. Tujuannya, adalah untuk melindungi produsen lokal jenis kapal tersebut. Dirjen Industri Unggulan Berbasis Teknologi tinggi (IUBTT) Budi Darmadi mengatakan, dari sekitar 13 produk kapal tertentu yang masih harus impor hanya kapal keruk dan kapal dok terapung yang diusulkan untuk mulai dipungut bea masuk di tahun 2012. Namun, secara bertahap, jenis kapal yang lain juga akan dikenai bea masuk sebesar 5%. Beberapa jenis kapal yang bea masuknya masih nol persen di tahun 2012, antara lain: kapal pesiar, kapal ekskursi, kapal tanker, kapal penarik, kapal pendorong serta kapal pemadam kebakaran. Kebijakan impor bea masuk kapal ini diatur dalam Peraturan Menteri Keuangan (PMK) 80/PMK.011/2011 tentang penetapan sistem klasifikasi barang dan pem bebanan tarif bea masuk atas barang impor. Dalam beleid tersebut, sekitar 13 produk kapal tertentu tidak dipungut bea. Alasan yang dipakai pemerintah karena 13 jenis kapal tersebut dibutuhkan untuk mendukung kegiatan ekonomi dalam negeri. Khusus untuk kapal keruk dan dok terapung, Kemperin mengusulkan pengenaan bea masuk berlaku untuk kedua produk kapal tersebut dengan cara merevisi PMK tersebut. Ketua Indonesia National Shipowners\’ Association (INSA) Carmelita Hertoto mengatakan, kapal-kapal jenis tertentu memang belum layak dibebani bea masuk karena bisa mengganggu aktivitas perekonomian. Misalnya saja kapal-kapal pendukung eksplorasi minyak dan gas yang hingga kini belum diproduksi di dalam negeri. Sementara untuk jenis kapal keruk, menurut Carmelita sudah diproduksi di Indonesia. Selain itu, pemain utama bisnis pengerukan adalah BUMN PT pengerukan Indonesia (Rukindo). Karena itu, kebijakan itu tidak akan berpengaruh banyak bagi industri pelayaran nasional. Begitu pula halnya produksi dok terapung yang sudah bisa disiasati dengan sistem airbag yang biayanya relatif lebih murah. Source: kontan online Berita Lain:
+ Arsip Berita Indonesia - 2012, Kapal keruk dan dok terapung kena bea masuk 5%. |
Pengusaha keberatan verifikasi rotan Posted: 18 Dec 2011 06:01 PM PST JAKARTA. Polemik perdagangan rotan belum menuai titik ujung. Setelah keberatan dengan larangan ekspor rotan, pengusaha juga menentang kebijakan verifikasi pengiriman rotan antarpulau. Pengusaha rotan akan mengirimkan nota keberatan terkait hal itu ke Menteri Perdagangan Gita Wirjawan, Senin (19/12). Kebijakan mengenai verifikasi itu tercantum dalam Permendag Nomor 36/M-Dag/PER/11/2011. Pengangkutan rotan yang dimaksud adalah pengangkutan antarpulau, antarprovinsi dan antarpelabuhan, meskipun dalam satu pulau atau provinsi. Proses verifikasi dilakukan oleh lembaga surveyor independen seperti PT Sucofindo, saat muat barang dan bongkar barang bahan baku rotan seperti rotan asalan, rotan mentah, dan rotan setengah jadi. Sedangkan biaya verifikasi ditanggung oleh pemerintah. “Aturan ini diskriminatif bagi pengusaha rotan, karena pengusaha yang lain tidak harus ada verifikasi,” papar Lisman Sumadjani, Sekretaris Jenderal Asosiasi Pengusaha Rotan Indonesia (APRI), Minggu (18/12). Menurutnya, kebijakan itu juga kontraproduktif dengan pengembangan industri rotan. Hal ini mengingat, verifikasi bakal menghabiskan waktu lama. Soalnya ada sejumlah persyaratan harus dilampirkan pemilik rotan dalam proses verifikasi itu. Syarat itu antara lain, bukti invoice dan dokumen transaksi perdagangan rotan. “Padahal, selama ini, rotan yang selalu kami kirimkan belum semuanya laku atau sudah dipesan. Kami masih memasarkan di Jawa agar hemat biaya transportasi,” terang Lisman. Kebijakan itu juga merugikan pengusaha mebel. Soalnya, pengusaha mebel tidak bisa mendapatkan bahan baku rotan secara cepat. “Aturan itu menjadikan bahan baku rotan hanya menumpuk di daerah produsen, sedang di wilayah industri kekurangan,” papar Lisman. Menurut Lisman, Permendag 36/2011 itu bertentangan dengan Permenhut No.p.55/MENHUT-II/2006 dan Peraturan Menteri Kehutanan No.p.8/MENHUT-II/2009. Kedua aturan itu meminta penyederhanaan tata cara pengangkutan hasil hutan bukan kayu (HHBK). Soenoto, PembinaAsosiasi Mebel dan Kerajinan Rotan Indonesia (AMKRI), mempertanyakan kesiapan penerapan aturan itu karena waktu pelaksanaannya sudah dekat, 1 Januari 2012. “Jangan sampai menghambat produksi dan ekspor mebel rotan,” kata Soenoto. Abdul Rohim, Sekretaris Dirjen Industri Agro Kementerian Perindustrian, menegaskan, verifikasi itu untuk mencegah penyelundupan rotan ke luar negeri. “Ini akan memperketat mekanisme pengangkutan, tapi tidak menghambat,” kata Abdul. Source: kontan online Berita Lain:
+ Arsip Berita Indonesia - Pengusaha keberatan verifikasi rotan. |
Posted: 18 Dec 2011 05:58 PM PST Senin, 19 Desember 2011 08:32 WIB GLASGOW: Glasgow Celtic terus menempel pemuncak klasemen Liga Skotlandia Glasgow Rangers setelah meraih kemenangan 2-0 atas St Johnstone lewat gol Gary Hooper dan Ki Sung-yeung. Source: media indonesia Berita Lain:
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