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- Bos Samsung Kepincut Produk Apple
- Utang ke Rumah Sakit Harus Segera Dibayar
- Apakah Mereka Bersama Para Malaikat?
- Ready meals dan#039;healthierdan#039; than TV chefsdan#039; fare
- Whiplash study says no benefits from intensive treatment
- King Ramesses IIIdan#039;s throat was slit, analysis reveals
- Hutang ke Rumah Sakit Harus Segera Dibayar
- Molina menangkan Betis atas Celta Vigo
- Real Betis kalahkan Celta Vigo
- Inggris Pimpin Pasar Mobile Dunia
Bos Samsung Kepincut Produk Apple Posted: 17 Dec 2012 06:11 PM PST ![]() CALIFORNIA – President & Chief Strategy Officer Samsung Young Sohn, mengaku menggunakan iPhone, iPad, dan Mac di rumah. Alasan salah satu eksekutif puncak Samsung itu menggunakan produk Apple karena ekosistem yang disuguhkan Apple. stLight.options({publisher:’b847f3a4-e695-414e-b3c3-11a67607a605′}); !function(d,s,id){var js,fjs=d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0];if(!d.getElementById(id)){js=d.createElement(s);;js.src=””;fjs.parentNode.insertBefore(js,fjs);}}(document,”script”,”clasit-wjs”); Sent from Indosat Internet Source: Okezone – Techno Berita Lain:
+ Arsip Berita Indonesia - Bos Samsung Kepincut Produk Apple. |
Utang ke Rumah Sakit Harus Segera Dibayar Posted: 17 Dec 2012 06:04 PM PST ![]() KOMPAS/HERU SRI KUMORO Ilustrasi JAKARTA, — Pemerintah Provinsi DKI Jakarta harus segera membayar utangnya kepada sejumlah rumah sakit yang telah menunggak miliaran rupiah. Sebab, utang ini mengganggu pelayanan rumah sakit kepada warga, apalagi peserta program Kartu Jakarta Sehat terus bertambah. Jika tidak ada langkah cepat, pelayanan kepada masyarakat bisa terhambat. Untuk menutupi utang rumah sakit, seharusnya Pemerintah Provinsi DKI Jakarta menggunakan anggaran dana darurat. Pertimbangannya, demi pelayanan kesehatan tidak terhenti. "Dalam APBD 2012, Pemprov DKI mengalokasi anggaran dana darurat Rp 1,313 triliun," tutur Sekretaris Nasional Forum Indonesia untuk Transparansi Anggaran Ucok Sky Khadafi, Selasa (18/12/2012) di Jakarta. Sebelumnya diberitakan, rumah sakit mengeluh karena tunggakan tagihan ke Pemprov DKI belum dibayar. Akibatnya, operasional rumah sakit terganggu karena tidak dapat belanja keperluan medis lebih banyak. Utang kepada rumah sakit karena program jaminan kesehatan daerah senilai sekitar Rp 200 miliar. Utang ini akan dibayarkan tahun depan setelah pencairan uang dapat dilakukan. Menurut Ucok, utang Pemprov DKI kepada sejumlah rumah sakit akhir tahun ini jauh lebih kecil dibanding dengan silpa anggaran. Silpa anggaran tahun lalu mencapai Rp 3,680 triliun, sementara silpa tahun anggaran 2012 diperkirakan lebih banyak. "Dana silpa ini juga bisa menutupi utang pemda kepada RS. Yang penting, eksekutif melakukan komunikasi dengan DPRD DKI Jakarta dan mendapat persetujuan dari DPRD agar ketika diaudit oleh auditor, negara secara politik tidak ada persoalan apa-apa," tutur Ucok. Editor : Marcus Suprihadi Source: kompas megapolitan Berita Lain:
+ Arsip Berita Indonesia - Utang ke Rumah Sakit Harus Segera Dibayar. |
Apakah Mereka Bersama Para Malaikat? Posted: 17 Dec 2012 05:54 PM PST ![]() AFP/MANDEL NGAN Presiden Amerika Serikat Barack Obama menyeka air matanya saat berbicara dalam upacara mengenang korban penembakan massal Sekolah Dasar Sandy Hook di Newtown, Connecticut, Minggu (16/12). Sebanyak 26 orang tewas dalam tragedi itu, 20 orang di antaranya anak-anak berusia 6-7 tahun. Isak dan tangis memenuhi ruangan tempat upacara mengenang para korban penembakan di Newtown, Connecticut, ketika Presiden AS Barack Obama membacakan nama kedua puluh anak kelas I SD yang menjadi korban dalam tragedi tersebut. Obama membacakan nama depan anak-anak itu dengan perlahan, dalam saat yang paling memilukan pada upacara Minggu malam itu. Ada air mata dan pelukan, tetapi juga senyum dan jabat tangan menguatkan. Semua bercampur dengan perasaan tidak percaya yang masih tersisa tentang bagaimana kekejian seperti itu bisa terjadi. Obama mengatakan, dia akan berupaya sekuat tenaga untuk mencegah penembakan seperti itu terulang kembali, Dia meminta perubahan dalam cara negeri itu berurusan dengan kekerasan senjata walau dia menghindari penggunaan kata ”pengendalian senjata api”. ”Kita tidak bisa menoleransi ini lagi. Tragedi-tragedi ini harus diakhiri. Untuk mengakhirinya, kita harus berubah,” kata Obama, yang berjanji pada pekan mendatang berbicara dengan penegak hukum, ahli kesehatan jiwa, serta para orangtua dan pendidik mengenai upaya mencegah penembakan massal. Namun, sebelum perubahan-perubahan itu terwujud, keluarga para korban akan berduka. Noah Pozner dan Jack Pinto, yang sama-sama berusia 6 tahun, akan dimakamkan Senin siang. Noah yang selalu ingin tahu baru berulang tahun keenam bulan lalu, dan Jack tak bisa lagi bergulat, olahraga yang ditekuninya. Dua puluh anak yang tewas berusia 6 tahun dan 7 tahun. Kepala sekolah, psikolog sekolah, dan empat guru juga tewas. Begitu mudanya sebagian besar korban membuat debat apakah undang-undang pengawasan senjata api yang lebih ketat bisa mencegah tragedi serupa di masa depan menjadi emosional. Beberapa anggota DPR AS dari Partai Demokrat dan Senator Joe Lieberman dari golongan independen mengatakan, sudah saatnya memperdebatkan pengawasan senjata. Senator Dianne Feinstein dari Partai Demokrat berjanji akan mengajukan RUU pelarangan senjata serbu pada hari pertama sidang Kongres, 3 Januari mendatang. Penyidik menemukan bahwa pelaku pembantaian, Adam Lanza, membawa ratusan peluru sehingga diperkirakan lebih banyak korban bisa jatuh seandainya tak ada tindakan kepahlawanan staf SD tersebut. Seorang karyawan menyalakan interkom sekolah sehingga orang-orang di gedung sekolah itu menyadari ada bahaya. Seorang petugas lain berlarian memberi tahu adanya bahaya. Seorang karyawan tata usaha memimpin 18 anak merangkak ke tempat aman. Seorang guru menyembunyikan 15 muridnya di sebuah WC kecil. Setelah Lanza mendobrak masuk sekolah dan mulai melepas tembakan, psikolog sekolah, Mary Sherlach, dan kepala sekolah, Dawn Hochsprung, berlari ke arahnya. Kepala sekolah bertubuh mungil itu tewas saat menyergap pria bersenjata itu. Suami Dawn, George, awalnya merasa marah karena tindakan istrinya itu. ”Dia bisa menghindari itu…. Saya tahu dia tidak akan (menghindari itu).” Karena itu, dia tidak lagi marah. ”Saya hanya sangat sedih,” katanya. Pada misa di Gereja Saint Rosa of Lima di Newtown, Minggu, seorang anak, Jennifer Waters (6), bertanya kepada ibunya, ”Apakah anak-anak itu sekarang bersama para malaikat?” (AP/AFP/Reuters/DI) Berita lainnya dapat dibaca di
Sumber : Kompas Cetak Editor : Egidius Patnistik Source: kompas internasional Berita Lain:
+ Arsip Berita Indonesia - Apakah Mereka Bersama Para Malaikat?. |
Ready meals dan#039;healthierdan#039; than TV chefsdan#039; fare Posted: 17 Dec 2012 05:47 PM PST By James GallagherHealth and science reporter, BBC News ![]() Recipes by prominent TV chefs are less healthy than supermarket ready meals, Newcastle University researchers say. Meals by Jamie Oliver, Lorraine Pascale, Nigella Lawson and Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall were compared to those from Asda, Sainsbury's and Tesco. The meals in TV chefs' cookbooks contained more calories, fat, saturated fat and sugar – but less salt. The researchers said this was not about "bashing" chefs as many campaigned to tackle obesity. The team said it was widely agreed that cooking from scratch was healthier than buying prepared meals, however, they said there was a lack of scientific testing of the claim. In the study, published in the British Medical Journal, they compared 100 main meals from four TV chefs, who had books at the top of the bestseller charts, to 100 supermarket ready meals. These were then compared to nutritional guidelines set by the World Health Organization. Red light On average, meals in the chef's books were less healthy and "more likely to achieve red traffic light labels", the researchers said. Prof Martin White, from the Institute of Health and Society at the university, told the BBC: "Both ready meals and those by TV chefs are not as healthy as they could be. "We're not bashing TV chefs, among them are chefs that have done a huge amount for healthy eating and tackling obesity." ![]() The study does not attempt to look at how often the meals are cooked – if they are part of people's daily diets or just dishes for a special occasion. However, the researchers did call for chefs and publishers to put nutritional information alongside their recipes in cookbooks to allow budding chefs to make a more informed choice about the nutritional content of their meals. "Educating and informing consumers should apply as much to TV chefs as for food in shops," said Prof White. A spokesman for Jamie Oliver said: "We welcome any research which raises debate on these issues. "We would regard the key issue to be food education so that people are aware of which foods are for every day and which are treats to be enjoyed occasionally." They added Jamie's most recent book already had nutritional information per serving. A spokeswoman for Lorraine Pascale said: "Some of the recipes in Lorraine's book are healthy, some not quite so much so. "There are plenty of salads, soups and light meals as well as the richer dishes. "Her books and shows to date haven't been about healthy eating, they are about cooking." Supermarkets said they had been making their food healthier. source: bbcuk Berita Lain:
+ Arsip Berita Indonesia - Ready meals dan#039;healthierdan#039; than TV chefsdan#039; fare. |
Whiplash study says no benefits from intensive treatment Posted: 17 Dec 2012 05:47 PM PST ![]() Intensive whiplash treatment is no better than standard care, a study suggests. The study, in the Lancet looked at the treatment of more than 2,700 people with mild to moderate whiplash. No additional benefits were seen in those who had more intensive care – which included suggesting a rapid return to normal activities. A Canadian expert said the study showed the lack of benefit from "unnecessary treatments". Whiplash injuries cost the UK economy about 3.1bn a year, mainly due to the expense of treating those with chronic symptoms (between 30-50%) and their subsequent need to take time off work. Long-term problems can include pain from even the smallest movement, difficulty sleeping and even being unable to work. Compensation claims for whiplash injury have risen, with about 1,500 made every day in the UK, even though there has been a fall of about 20% in road accidents since 2006. Earlier this year, the government promised to take action to reduce the number of claims. Positive messages There has been debate since the 1980s about how best to deal with whiplash injury, but little research to support any specific approach. Some researchers have suggested that training A&E staff to provide more intensive treatment – with more positive messages about recovery and specific advice on beneficial exercises as well as advising an early return to work and normal activities – could help people recover more quickly. The University of Warwick researchers compared this "active management" approach, with the standard care – general advice to exercise and advice sheets. Patients from 12 NHS hospitals across the UK were followed up for a year. But the researchers found no difference in how those with the more intensive care fared with those who had the usual treatment. Those whose symptoms persisted for more than three weeks were also invited to take part in a physiotherapy trial. The 599 patients who participated were randomly assigned to receive either a single advice session with a physiotherapist or a package of up to six physio sessions. But it was found that having the longer course did not offer any major benefit and, while it appeared people who had more physio recovered more quickly initially, there was no difference between the groups at the eight or 12-month mark. ‘Societal expectations’ Prof Sarah Lamb, who led the study, said: "Our findings suggest that that more enhanced forms of treatment that include positive messages about recovery, exercise, and early return to normal activities as well as pain management, do not speed recovery. "What is more, although additional physiotherapy, beyond a single advice session, did offer a modest benefit, it was not cost-effective." She added: "I think it's clear from this that the NHS shouldn't be involved in providing people with a long course of physio." Writing in the Lancet, Robert Ferrari, from the University of Alberta in Canada, said: "The challenge now is to change societal expectations about whiplash injury. "Legislative changes could reduce the extent to which expectations can be met – less contact with lawyers, insurers, and the treatment industry could reduce the encouragement of these expectations and the behaviour that follows. "Not prescribing unnecessary treatment might also help to change beliefs about the nature of the injury, and thus studies like that of Lamb and colleagues are needed. "At the very least, to reduce health-care costs, Lamb and colleagues have shown that the emergency departments are providing evidence-based and cost-effective treatment when they do less, not more." source: bbcuk Berita Lain:
+ Arsip Berita Indonesia - Whiplash study says no benefits from intensive treatment. |
King Ramesses IIIdan#039;s throat was slit, analysis reveals Posted: 17 Dec 2012 05:47 PM PST By Michelle RobertsHealth editor, BBC News online ![]() Conspirators murdered Egyptian King Ramesses III by slitting his throat, experts now believe, based on a new forensic analysis. The first CT scans to examine the king's mummy reveal a cut to the neck deep enough to be fatal. The secret has been hidden for centuries by the bandages covering the mummy's throat that could not be removed for preservation's sake. The work may end at least one of the controversies surrounding his death. Precisely how he died has been hotly debated by historians. Ancient documents including the Judicial Papyrus of Turin say that in 1155BC members of his harem attempted to kill him as part of a palace coup. But it is less clear whether the assassination was successful. Some say it was, while other accounts at the time imply the second Pharaoh of the 20th dynasty survived the attack, at least for a short while. Shrouded in mystery The Judicial Papyrus tells of four separate trials and lists the punishments dished out to those involved in the plot, which included one of the king's two known wives, called Tiye, and her son Prince Pentawere – potential heir to the throne. It says Pentawere, the only one of Ramesses III many sons to revolt against him, was involved in the conspiracy, found guilty at trial and then took his own life. To find out more, Dr Albert Zink, a paleopathologist at the Institute for Mummies and the Iceman in Italy, and colleagues set out to examine the mummy of Ramesses III and the unidentified remains of another body found in a royal tomb near the Valley of the Kings in Egypt that was believed to be the king's son Pentawere. Working out of the Egyptian Museum in Cairo where the bodies are now housed, the team ran some CT scans and DNA tests on the mummies. Scans of Ramesses III revealed a deep, 2.7in (7cm) wide wound to the throat just under the larynx, which the medical scientists say was probably caused by a sharp blade and could have caused immediate death. Amulet discovery Dr Zink said: "Before now we knew more or less nothing about the destiny of Ramesses III. People had examined his body before and had done radiographs but they didn't notice any trauma. They did not have access to the CT scans that we do. ![]() "We were very surprised by what we found. We still cannot be sure that the cut killed him, but we think it did. "It might have been made by the embalmers but this is very unlikely. I'm not aware of any other examples of this." They could see a Horus eye amulet embedded in the wound – a charm most probably inserted by the ancient Egyptian embalmers during the mummification process to promote healing. The DNA tests showed that the unidentified body of the young man, who was aged about 18 when he died, was a blood relative of Ramesses III, and in all probability the king's son Pentawere. Dr Zink said: "From our genetic analysis we could really prove the two were closely related. They share the same Y chromosome and 50% of their genetic material, which is typical of a father-son relationship." When they examined the body of the young man, they found he had unusual compressed skin folds and wrinkles around his neck as well as an inflated chest. Although these changes might have occurred post-mortem in the mummy, it could indicate that the man was strangled to death, says Dr Zink. The body was not mummified in the usual way – and was covered with a "ritually impure" goatskin – which might have been an ancient punishment in the form of a non-royal burial procedure. "He was badly treated for a mummy," said Dr Zink. A full report of their findings is published in the British Medical Journal. source: bbcuk Berita Lain:
+ Arsip Berita Indonesia - King Ramesses IIIdan#039;s throat was slit, analysis reveals. |
Hutang ke Rumah Sakit Harus Segera Dibayar Posted: 17 Dec 2012 05:44 PM PST ![]() KOMPAS/HERU SRI KUMORO Ilustrasi JAKARTA, Pemerintah Provinsi DKI Jakarta harus segera membayar hutangnya kepada sejumlah rumah sakit yang telah menunggak miliaran rupiah. Sebab, hutang ini mengganggu pelayanan rumah sakit kepada warga, apalagi peserta program kartu jakarta sehat terus bertambah. Jika tidak ada langkah cepat, pelayanan kepada masyarakat bisa terhambat. "Untuk menutupi utang rumah sakit, seharusnya Pemerintah Provinsi DKI Jakarta menggunakan anggaran dana darurat. Pertimbangannya, demi pelayanan kesehatan tidak terhenti. Dalam APBD 2012, Pemprov DKI mengalokasi anggaran dana darurat Rp 1,313 triliun," tutur Sekretaris Nasional Forum Indonesia untuk Transparansi Anggaran Ucok Sky Khadafi, Selasa (18/12/2012) di Jakarta. Sebelumnya diberitakan, rumah sakit mengeluh karena tunggakan tagihan ke Pemprov DKI belum dibayar. Akibatnya, operasional rumah sakit terganggu karena tidak dapat belanja keperluan medis lebih banyak. Hutang kepada rumah sakit karena program jaminan kesehatan daerah senilai sekitar Rp 200 miliar. Hutang ini akan dibayarkan tahun depan setelah pencairan uang dapat dilakukan. Menurut Ucok, hutang Pemprov DKI kepada sejumlah rumah sakit akhir tahun ini jauh lebih kecil dibanding dengan silpa anggaran. Silpa anggaran tahun lalu mencapai Rp 3,680 tirliun, sementara silpa tahun anggaran 2012 diperkirakan lebih banyak. "Dana silpa ini juga bisa menutupi utang pemda kepada RS. Yang penting, eksekutif melakukan komunikasi dengan DPRD DKI Jakarta, dan mendapat persetujuan dari DPRD agar ketika diaudit oleh auditor negara secara politik tidak ada persoalan apa-apa," tutur Ucok. Editor : Marcus Suprihadi Source: kompas megapolitan Berita Lain:
+ Arsip Berita Indonesia - Hutang ke Rumah Sakit Harus Segera Dibayar. |
Molina menangkan Betis atas Celta Vigo Posted: 17 Dec 2012 05:44 PM PST ![]() Liga Spanyol (ANTARA/istimewa) Menurut laporan Reuters, pemain depan itu melepaskan diri dari beberapa pemain yang menjaganya dan melepas tembakan ke pojok gawang menit ke-81 dan lawan tidak dapat menyamakan kedudukan hingga akhir permainan. Penjaga gawang Betis, Adrian, harus memblok serangan menit akhir tepat di bawah mistar gawang dan Mario Bermejo bekerja keras untuk memenuhi target permainannya, tetapi bola hanya membentur tiang gawang. Tim Andalusia itu kini berada di urutan kelima dengan simpanan 28 poin, di bawah Malaga di urutan keempat, dengan hanya berbeda selisih gol, dan terpaut 18 poin dengan tim puncak Barcelona. Tim yang belum terkalahkan, Barca, menyudahi harapan tim urutan kedua Atletico Madrid 4-1 dan dua gol berasal dari kaki Messi pada laga yang berlangsung di Nou Camp, Minggu, sehingga unggul sembilan point di puncak klasemen. Tim puncak itu terpaut 13 poin dengan juara Real Madrid yang ditahan imbang 2-2 oleh tim papan bawah Espanyol. Pada pertandingan lain Senin, Deportivo La Coruna tetap di dasar klasemen dengan simpanan 12 poin setelah bermain imbang 0-0 di kandang ketika menjamu Valladolid. (A008) Editor: Fitri Supratiwi COPYRIGHT © 2012 Source: – Olahraga Berita Lain:
+ Arsip Berita Indonesia - Molina menangkan Betis atas Celta Vigo. |
Real Betis kalahkan Celta Vigo Posted: 17 Dec 2012 05:44 PM PST ![]() Liga Spanyol (ANTARA/istimewa) Berikut ini hasil pertandingan dan klasemen kompetisi sepak bola La Liga yang berlangsung Senin malam waktu setempat seperti disiarkan Reuters: Senin 17 Desember Celta Vigo 0 Real Betis 1 Deportivo Coruna 0 Real Valladolid 0 Minggu 16 Desember Barcelona 4 Atletico Madrid 1 Real Madrid 2 Espanyol 2 Real Zaragoza 0 Levante 1 Valencia 0 Rayo Vallecano 1 Sabtu 15 Desember Getafe 1 Osasuna 1 Granada CF 0 Real Sociedad 0 Real Mallorca 0 Athletic Bilbao 1 Sevilla 0 Malaga 2 Klasemen 1 Barcelona 16 15 1 0 54 18 46 2 Atletico Madrid 16 12 1 3 36 17 37 3 Real Madrid 16 10 3 3 39 14 33 ————————- 4 Malaga 16 8 4 4 25 10 28 ————————- 5 Real Betis 16 9 1 6 25 26 28 6 Levante 16 8 3 5 21 21 27 ————————- 7 Getafe 16 7 3 6 19 21 24 ————————- 8 Real Valladolid 16 6 4 6 22 18 22 9 Real Sociedad 16 6 4 6 22 19 22 10 Rayo Vallecano 16 7 1 8 19 32 22 11 Valencia 16 6 3 7 19 24 21 12 Athletic Bilbao 16 6 3 7 21 32 21 13 Sevilla 16 5 4 7 21 24 19 14 Real Zaragoza 16 6 1 9 18 24 19 15 Celta Vigo 16 4 3 9 16 21 15 16 Osasuna 16 3 5 8 13 17 14 17 Granada CF 16 3 4 9 11 24 13 ————————- 18 Real Mallorca 16 3 4 9 14 28 13 19 Espanyol 16 2 6 8 17 26 12 20 Deportivo Coruna 16 2 6 8 21 37 12 1-3: Liga Champions / EC I 4: Penyisihan Liga Champions 5-6: Liga Erpa 7: Liga Eropa berdasar hasil piala domestik 18-20: Degradasi. (A008) Editor: Fitri Supratiwi COPYRIGHT © 2012 Source: – Olahraga Berita Lain:
Inggris Pimpin Pasar Mobile Dunia Posted: 17 Dec 2012 05:43 PM PST ![]() LONDON – Inggris akhirnya merajai pasar mobile dunia. Regulator Media, Ofcom mengungkapkan, penduduk Inggris mengkonsumsi lebih banyak data pada ponsel atau tablet dibanding negara lain. stLight.options({publisher:’b847f3a4-e695-414e-b3c3-11a67607a605′}); !function(d,s,id){var js,fjs=d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0];if(!d.getElementById(id)){js=d.createElement(s);;js.src=””;fjs.parentNode.insertBefore(js,fjs);}}(document,”script”,”clasit-wjs”); Sent from Indosat Internet Source: Okezone – Techno Berita Lain:
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