- update next 9 | ![]() |
- Square Enix Umumkan Seri Final Fantasy Terbaru
- Lokasi Mobil SIM dan STNK Keliling Senin
- Petani Tuntut Pabrikan Membeli Tembakau
- Promosi Motor Damkar Murni Aktivitas Bisnis
- Rakornas Kebun Binatang digelar di Gembira Loka
- Mantan PM Inggris Tolak Dinyatakan Bersalah dalam Perang Irak
- Dua Ton Gula Malaysia Kembali Disita
- dan#039;Unprecedented threatdan#039; for UK trees from pests
- Scanning plan aims to help robots in the home
- Ditemukan Fosil Manusia Modern Awal di Asia Tenggara
Square Enix Umumkan Seri Final Fantasy Terbaru Posted: 02 Sep 2012 07:30 PM PDT (Foto: Lazytechguys) TOKYO – Studio pengembang sekaligus penerbit game, Square Enix, mengumumkan judul permainan Final Fantasy terbaru, yaitu Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII. Seri permainan ini mendanai kembalinya tokoh jagoan bernama Lightning yang akan menghadapi pertarungan terakhirnya. Dilansir Slashgear, Senin (3/9/2012), melalui situs Andriasang melaporkan, Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII akan menjadi judul “kendali dunia”, yang menunjukkan adanya beberapa aspek sosial yang disematkan dalam permainan. Akan tetapi, detail fitur aspek sosial tersebut belum diketahui secara rinci. Sistem pertempuran kabarnya akan berbeda ketimbang seri pendahulunya. Square Enix mengatakan bahwa aksi dalam permainan akan lebih difokuskan pada respon tombol. Tampaknya sekuel terbaru Lightning Returns ini akan mengalami kemajuan sebagai genre aksi ketimbang permainan sebelumnya. Permainan ini diungkap di Final Fantasy Gallery Square Enix di Jepang. Kabarnya, gamer akan disuguhkan dengan opsi untuk melakukan kustomisasi pada Lightning. Selain itu, terdapat senjata yang berbeda yang dapat digunakan oleh tokoh jagoan dalam permainan. Tidak hanya itu, gamer juga bisa merubah penampilan Lightning dengan sejumlah pilihan busana yang dapat digunakannya. Situs Andriasang mengungkapkan, ada lebih dari 10 atau 20 kostum yang bisa dikenakan Lightning. Permainan ini diatur untuk ditempatkan dalam sebuah daerah dalam permainan bernama Navus Partus. Square Enix mengungkapkan beberapa tempat seperti kota besar, Lexerion. Konon, permainan ini akan tersedia untuk konsol rumahan, seperti Xbox 360 dan PlayStation 3. Belum diketahui tanggal pasti peluncuran Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII, hanya saja permainan itu dikabarkan akan meluncur pada 2013. (fmh) stLight.options({publisher:’b847f3a4-e695-414e-b3c3-11a67607a605′}); !function(d,s,id){var js,fjs=d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0];if(!d.getElementById(id)){js=d.createElement(s);;js.src=””;fjs.parentNode.insertBefore(js,fjs);}}(document,”script”,”clasit-wjs”); Sent from Indosat Internet Source: Okezone – Techno Berita Lain:
+ Arsip Berita Indonesia - Square Enix Umumkan Seri Final Fantasy Terbaru. |
Lokasi Mobil SIM dan STNK Keliling Senin Posted: 02 Sep 2012 07:19 PM PDT
Menurut Traffic Management Center (TMC) Direktorat Lalu Lintas Polda Metro Jaya melalui situsnya, lokasi pelayanan mobil SIM & STNK keliling pada Senin (3/9) terbagi di beberapa lokasi. Lokasi tersebut sebagai berikut: 1. Jakarta Pusat 2. Jakarta Barat 3. Jakarta Selatan 4. Jakarta Utara 5. Jakarta Timur Jam Operasional : Pukul 08:00 – 13:00 WIB - SIM Keliling hanya untuk memperpanjang SIM A dan SIM C. Pembuatan SIM Baru dan jika masa berlakunya habis lebih dari setahun tidak bisa di layanan SIM Keliling. Pengendara harus ke Satpas SIM di Jalan Daan Mogot KM 11 Cengkareng. - STNK Keliling hanya untuk proses perpanjangan per tahun, untuk proses lima tahunan atau ganti plat nomor silakan datang langsung ke kantor Samsat yang terdekat. Info Keterangan Lebih Lanjut: TMC Dibaca 7 X source: berita8 news Berita Lain:
+ Arsip Berita Indonesia - Lokasi Mobil SIM dan STNK Keliling Senin. |
Petani Tuntut Pabrikan Membeli Tembakau Posted: 02 Sep 2012 07:10 PM PDT ![]() SEMARANG, – Petani di Kabupaten Kendal dan Kabupaten Demak, Jawa Tengah, menuntut pihak perwakilan pabrik rokok (pabrikan) membeli tembakau hasil panen mereka. "Hasil panen tembakau banyak yang belum dibeli pabrikan. Dampaknya, harga tembakau anjlok, hanya Rp 15.000 per kilogram untuk daun tembakau petikan ketiga," kata petani di Weleri, Kabupaten Kendal, Muntohar, Senin (3/9/2012) di Jawa Tengah. Petani tembakau di Mranggen, Demak, Saryono mengemukakan, pedagang juga enggan membeli tembakau. Padahal, biasanya pedagang jadi makelar pabrikan membeli tembakau dengan harga tinggi. Petikan daun tembakau hasil panen ketiga, normalnya Rp 45.000 per kilogram. Namun, karena pabrikan enggan membeli maka harga tembakau makin turun. Sejumlah petani di Kendal dan Demak berencana hari ini mendatangi perwakilan pabrikan di Semarang. Mereka hendak mengajak dialog perwakilan pabrik rokok besar Gudang Garam soal nasib panen tembakau mereka musim ini. "Kami berharap usai dialog ada kesepakatan pabrikan membeli tembakau hasil panen petani," ujar Muntohar. Editor : Rusdi Amral Source: kompas regional Berita Lain:
+ Arsip Berita Indonesia - Petani Tuntut Pabrikan Membeli Tembakau. |
Promosi Motor Damkar Murni Aktivitas Bisnis Posted: 02 Sep 2012 07:10 PM PDT ![]() ![]() ![]() Foto: 1 2 3 » Play Slideshow SURABAYA, – Pihak produsen motor roda tiga Kingtama Indonesia mengaku tidak memiliki maksud khusus terkait iklan motor pemadam kebakaran yang diunggah di situs jual beli online yang akhir-akhir ini oleh beberapa pihak dijadikan sebagai bahan perbandingan dengan produk yang sama, yang diluncurkan oleh Pemprov DKI Jakarta baru-baru ini. "Promosi yang saya lakukan melalui website jual beli online itu murni aktivitas bisnis perusahaan, dan tidak ada kaitannya dengan aktivitas politik di Jakarta," kata salah satu pegawai pemasaran Kingtama Indonesia, Mei, Minggu (2/9/2012). Dalam promosi itu, kendaraan roda 3 pemadam kebakaran 150 cc yang dilengkapi dengan tangki kecil dan selang dijual Rp 24,9 juta per unit. Harga belum termasuk selang spiral biru, selang putih, mesin dan nozel. Sementara, Pemprov DKI menyatakan, satu unit kendaraan serupa menelan dana APBD senilai Rp 260 juta dengan spesifikasi tertentu. Menurut Mei, yang dipromosikan melalui dunia maya itu adalah produk perusahaannya dengan spesifikasi paling rendah. "Harga juga bisa berlipat-lipat jika pembeli menginginkan spesifikasi tertentu," jelasnya kepada saat ditemui di kantornya di Jalan Ngagel Madya 14, Surabaya. Sebelumnya, Pemprov DKI Jakarta menyebar 110 motor pemadam kebakaran yang bisa menjangkau jalan sempit di lima wilayah Jakarta. Pengadaan motor Damkar itu memakan biaya senilai Rp 23 miliar termasuk untuk biaya pelatihan operatornya. Namun dana pengadaan motor Damkar tersebut dinilai tidak wajar, karena di situs jual beli online, ditemukan motor Damkar yang diduga serupa dengan harga hanya Rp 24,9 juta. Editor : Glori K. Wadrianto Source: kompas regional Berita Lain:
+ Arsip Berita Indonesia - Promosi Motor Damkar Murni Aktivitas Bisnis. |
Rakornas Kebun Binatang digelar di Gembira Loka Posted: 02 Sep 2012 07:06 PM PDT ![]() Gembira Loka (ANTARA/istimewa) “Rapat Koordinasi Nasional (Rakornas) Kebun Binatang se-Indonesia ini merupakan pertemuan rutin tahunan. Tahun ini, kami menjadi tuan rumah pelaksananya, sedang untuk penyelenggaranya tetap Perhimpunan Kebun Binatang se-Indonesia,” kata Manajer Marketing Kebun Binatang Gembira Loka Joseph Kurniawan. Dalam rapat tersebut, akan dibahas berbagai hal terkait kebijakan pemerintah, workshop, program kerja organisasi, dan pameran. Jumlah anggota Perhimpunan Kebun Binatang se-Indonesia mencapai 40 kebun binatang dan diharapkan seluruh anggota tersebut bisa mengikuti kegiatan tersebut. Ia mengatakan, kegiatan rapat koordinasi akan memberikan keuntungan tersendiri bagi kebun binatang yang mengikutinya, salah satunya saling bertukar informasi terkait manajemen pengelolaan. “Kebun binatang yang sudah maju bisa memberikan informasi kepada kebun binatang lain terkait manajemen pengelolaannya. Diharapkan, kebun binatang lain pun bisa semakin maju dengan pengelolaan yang baik,” katanya. Selain itu, lanjut dia, kebun binatang juga bisa saling bertukar informasi mengenai koleksi-koleksi yang dimiliki. Direktur Kebun Binatang Gembira Loka KMT A. Tirtodiprojo mengatakan, kegiatan tersebut rencananya dibuka secara langsung oleh Wali Kota Yogyakarta Haryadi Suyuti. “Pada 1970-an, Gembira Loka juga pernah bertindak sebagai tuan rumah Rapat Koordinasi Nasional Perhimpunan Kebun Binatang se-Indonesia,” katanya. Editor: Desy Saputra COPYRIGHT © 2012 Source: – Peristiwa Berita Lain:
+ Arsip Berita Indonesia - Rakornas Kebun Binatang digelar di Gembira Loka. |
Mantan PM Inggris Tolak Dinyatakan Bersalah dalam Perang Irak Posted: 02 Sep 2012 07:04 PM PDT ![]() LONDON Menghadapi desakan Uskup Agung Desmond Tutu agar dirinya segera didakwa di Mahkamah Internasional, mantan Perdana Menteri Belanda Tony Blair membela diri. Ia menyebut tindakan Tutu yang mempertanyakan moralitas dibalik aksi militer menggulingkan rezim Saddam Husein adalah sesuatu yang aneh. “Membuka kembali desas-desus lama yang mengatakan bahwa kami berbohong terkait dengan keberadaan senjata pemusnah massal benar-benar tindakan keliru. Karena setiap analisis independen telah menunjukkan bukti,” tegas Blair, seperti dikutip BBC, Senin (3/9). “Lalu mengatakan fakta bahwa pembantaian Saddam Hussein terhadap ratusan ribu warganya tidak relevan dengan tindakan moral untuk melengserkan pemimpin Irak itu adalah sesuatu yang aneh,” ungkap mantan PM Inggris itu. Dijelaskan Blair, hingga kini peristiwa pembantaian di Halabja, di mana ribuan orang dibunuh dalam satu hari dengan menggunakan senjata kimia masih terus diingatnya. Blair juga menyinggung jutaan korban tewas dalam perang Irak-Iran akibat senjata kimia. “Selain itu pembantaian yang dilakukan Saddam terhadap lawan-lawan politik, warga Marsh serta penyiksaan secara sistematis yang ia lakukan terhadap rakyatnya adalah alasan moral yang cukup,” tutur Blair. “Singkatnya ini adalah argumen yang sama yang telah kita ungkapkan berkali-kali dimana tidak terdapat hal baru untuk dikatakan. Namun tentunya dalam demokrasi yang sehat orang-orang bebas untuk bersikap tidak setuju,” Blair menambahkan. Sebelumnya seorang Uskup Agung Desmon Tutu mendesak agar Blair dan mantan pemimpin Amerika Serikat (AS) George W. Bush untuk didakwa di Mahkamah Internasional di Den Haag, Belanda. Menurut Tutu jumlah korban tewas akibat perang Irak yang dimulai sejak 2003 lalu adalah dasar untuk membawa kedua pemimpin dunia itu bertanggung jawab atas perbuatan mereka. Source: nonblok online Berita Lain:
+ Arsip Berita Indonesia - Mantan PM Inggris Tolak Dinyatakan Bersalah dalam Perang Irak. |
Dua Ton Gula Malaysia Kembali Disita Posted: 02 Sep 2012 07:02 PM PDT ![]() BENGKAYANG, – Kepolisian Resor Bengkayang, Kalimantan Barat menyita 40 karung gula kristal putih ilegal asal Malaysia. Gula putih seberat dua ton itu diangkut menggunakan bus kecil. Kepala Kepolisian Resor Bengkayang Ajun Komisaris Besar Veris Septiansyah, Senin (3/9/2012) mengatakan, gula itu milik Hendry, warga Kota Singkawang. "Gula diangkut dari perbatasan Bengkayang dan Sarawak, Malaysia menggunakan bus kecil. "Gula itu bermerk A1," kata Veris. Gula diangkut menggunakan bus dengan nomor polisi KB 7001 KL yang dikemudikan Alinus Alim. Polisi menyita gula itu pada Jumat (31/8/2012).
Editor : Rusdi Amral Source: kompas regional Berita Lain:
+ Arsip Berita Indonesia - Dua Ton Gula Malaysia Kembali Disita. |
dan#039;Unprecedented threatdan#039; for UK trees from pests Posted: 02 Sep 2012 06:50 PM PDT By Mark KinverEnvironment reporter, BBC News ![]() UK trees are facing an "unprecedented level of threat" from pests and diseases, the Forestry Commission has warned. All species are vulnerable to potential attacks – from ecologically vital oaks to non-native ornamental species, such as lawson cypresses. The biggest risk, it warns, comes from non-native organisms, which – in their natural range – are kept in check by natural predators and environmental conditions. However, if they are able to become established in the UK's natural environment then there are often no natural controls to curb their spread, resulting in a potentially devastating impact on the landscape. ![]() In October 2011, UK Environment Secretary Caroline Spelman launched the Tree Health and Plant Biosecurity Action Plan, warning that millions of trees could be lost in the next few years unless urgent action was taken. The Commission recently published biosecurity guidance, offering advice on steps that can be taken to avoid accidentally spreading damaging organisms on clothes, footwear, vehicles, etc. "The fact that we are an island has helped us, because we are fairly impoverished compared with the European mainland," explained Hugh Evans, head of Forest Research in Wales. "So even the 20 miles of water is enough to protect us from the pests that are quite dangerous on the mainland." But our relative isolation has come at a cost, he warned. "If pests do get through, then they arrive without the spectrum of natural enemies and that is one element that can make the effect within the arrival country much worse than in the country of origin." Growing trade Richard McIntosh from Food and Environment Research Agency (Fera) says the growing volume of international trade is one reason for concern. Phytophthora ramorum - fungal pathogen that infects the commerically important conifer species, Japanese larch Acute oak decline (AOD) – An aggressive bacterial disease that can kill an infected tree in just four or five years Great spruce bark beetle - breeds under the bark, weakening the infected tree and in extreme cases, can kill the tree Chalara dieback of ash – "a serious disease of ash trees", caused by a fungus called Chalara fraxinea, and can kill an infected tree Horse chestnut bleeding canker – appears as an area of dying bark that oozes liquid. If it spreads around the entire trunk, it cuts off the food supply, killing the tree In detail: Pests & diseases threatening UK trees "Trade is becoming increasingly global, and there is an ever-widening diversity of plants and plant material being traded around the world," he told BBC News. "There are examples of where pests or pathogens have been introduced, and it is very difficult to respond to them once they are within the EU. "Prevention is much better than cure but identifying all of the risks is not always the easiest thing to do." Probably the most widely publicised pathogen is Phytophthora ramorum, a fungal organism which was suspected of being introduced to these shores via the plant trade. There is no treatment; infected trees have to be felled and removed from the natural environment. Although it had been present at low levels in the UK for a number of years, in 2009 there was a sudden change in the pathogen's behaviour. It was recorded infecting and killing the commercially important Japanese larch trees in South-West England. It was the first time in the world that P. ramorum had been found on a species of conifer. It has since been recorded affecting larch trees at sites in all four UK nations. John Morgan, head of the Forestry Commission's Plant Health Service observed: "We are still are pursuing a policy of reducing the level of the disease so then it does not spread further. "If, over a number of years of felling, we can reduce its spread we can then preserve what we have left in terms of larch in forests." Dr Morgan added that the disease would not be eradicated: "Once something like that is established then we are purely looking at a policy of containment. "P. ramorum is definitely in the realms of containment strategies. By the time it was discovered in larches, it was too late." Experts say the symptoms to look out for on larch trees include dead and partially flushed trees present in groups, patches or distributed throughout a stand. An affected tree's crown and branches die back, and there is a distinctive yellowing or ginger colour beneath the bark. Unwelcomed guests Another pest that was introduced to the UK as a result of human activity was the great spruce bark beetle. ![]() "It clearly came into this country via wood that had not been debarked properly," said Prof Evans. "What was interesting – and I think this is [a] somewhat typical story – is that although we found it in 1982, our subsequent research found that it had been in the country at least 10 years prior to that." The beetle breeds under the bark and destroys the cambium (a layer of growing tissue that produces new cells to carry water, sugars and nutrients around the tree). This weakens the tree, and in most extreme cases, the damage can kill the tree. As part of their research, Prof Evans said scientists quickly identified a possible "bio-control" option. They introduced a natural predator – another species of beetle called Rhizophagus grandis. "We were able to bring that beetle in to the country; we got the very first licence for the release of a non-native species under the Wildlife and Countryside Act. "It proved to be incredibly successful," he told BBC News. "[The great spruce bark beetle] did kill quite a few trees, but after the predator was introduced and we continued to monitor it for a few years, its population has dropped to a relatively low level. It is still spreading, but the predator seems to be following it." Preventing pests Dr Morgan said UK control measures involved four stages. ![]() "We try to prevent pest and diseases entering the country; then, if they have arrived, we switch to a policy of eradication to try and stop them becoming established," he said. "If they do become established then we try and follow a policy of containment which is to try and slow or stop the spread of the pest. Finally, if all previous three efforts have failed then we operate a way that we can live with the particular pest or disease." There are a number of ways that scientists are able track the global or regional spread of a pest or pathogen, such as the EU Plant Health Directive that requires nations to report new outbreaks or new pathogens. Another way data is shared among researchers is via bodies such as the European Mediterranean Plant Protection Organization and the International Plant Protection Convention. "Both of these organisations have notification systems where countries are able to report developments that might be of wider interest," revealed Fera's Richard McIntosh. "We monitor that sort of intelligence, together with information that might be coming out via publications, and also what we are finding – such as what we are intercepting at the national borders." Mr McIntosh said this information is used to produce a document known as a Pest Risk Analysis (PRA), which looks at the risks, possible impacts and control of each organism within a UK context. Wider impact Andrew Sharkey, head of woodland management for the Woodland Trust, said the impact of pests and diseases often had ramifications that were felt beyond the individual trees that were infected. ![]() "Two of our sites have been affect by [Phytophthora ramorum]… so we had to fell the larch on those sites," he said. "We are comfortable with this because it is good practice but it means that it has disrupted all of the site plans for those sites. "The larches on one of the sites were on what we call 'planted ancient woodlands', which we were trying to restore back to native woodlands. "This has an immediate impact on our biodiversity work and planning work." In 2011, Natural England's Keith Kirby warned that the future well-being of the UK's oak trees was at a crossroads because of the potential threat from a disease known as Acute Oak Decline (AOD), which experts warned could be as devastating to the treescape as Dutch elm disease. Dr Kirby told BBC News that research was helping shed more light on dynamics of the mysterious disease. "We are becoming more and more certain that it is basically a bacterial issue, and a beetle is involved in its spread. It appears that the problem is also exacerbated if the tree is under stress," he said. "But we are not that much further along in terms of knowing exactly how abundant or widespread it is. "At the moment, it does not look as if it has gone beyond the East Midlands and southern England area, where most of the records have come from." As one of the UK's leading woodland ecologists, Dr Kirby said people had to be philosophical about the fact that the composition of woodlands were going to change. "We cannot attempt to maintain the mixtures that existed in the past," he observed. "We have to accept that there will be change, and manage the dynamic situation. "If you have got a changing environment, you cannot expect the communities and assemblages of species of past environments to survive." source: bbcuk Berita Lain:
+ Arsip Berita Indonesia - dan#039;Unprecedented threatdan#039; for UK trees from pests. |
Scanning plan aims to help robots in the home Posted: 02 Sep 2012 06:50 PM PDT ![]() Humans are being asked to help robots recognise the multitude of objects found in the average home. Swedish researchers are asking people to use their Xbox's Kinect sensor as a scanner to grab detailed 3D images of the stuff in their homes. The Kinect@home project requires mass participation to accumulate many examples of common household objects. The scans will build into a library of objects robots can consult as they navigate around homes. Slow scan Co-ordinator Alper Aydemir said: "Factory floors can be custom built and the tools the robots will use can be known precisely in minute detail. This is not the case with everyday living spaces and objects." While humans have no trouble recognising objects such as a tea mug even if it is a different colour, shape and size to those they have seen before, robots struggle to complete such a mundane task. "One of the best ways for robots to accomplish all these tasks is to make them learn how to recognise a sofa, a chair, or a refrigerator by feeding them lots of data," Mr Aydemir told the BBC. Rather than building up the database of objects by themselves, the team from the Center for Autonomous Systems at Sweden's Royal Institute of Technology have turned for help to the many people who have bought a Kinect game sensor for their Xbox console. The Kinect sensor uses a combination of an infra-red sensor, camera and customised computer chip to spot and interpret the movements of gamers, letting them play without a traditional hand-held controller. ![]() Mr Aydemir and colleagues Rasmus Goransson and Prof Patric Jensfelt have created software that uses information captured by the infra-red camera, and collected via the Kinect@home webpage, to create scans of objects. "This way, people get easy access to the ever improving state-of-the-art 3D modelling techniques for free and researchers gain insights as to what works and what doesn't by using the data," he said. The project has only been running a few days and already 141 objects , including shoes, mugs and guitars, have been scanned. Using the Kinect as a 3D scanner was as easy as making a video for YouTube, Mr Aydemir said. Those wishing to get involved would need to install an add-on for their web browser, he said, and take a little care when scanning objects. "When capturing data, one should move rather slowly and avoid big empty spaces," he said. "Aside from that, it's as easy as hitting a button on the recording page." The trio are planning to make their data widely available for robot and computer-vision researchers. source: bbcuk Berita Lain:
+ Arsip Berita Indonesia - Scanning plan aims to help robots in the home. |
Ditemukan Fosil Manusia Modern Awal di Asia Tenggara Posted: 02 Sep 2012 06:48 PM PDT ![]() VIENTIANE – Sebongkah tengkorak telah diamankan dari gua di Annamite Mountains, Laos bagian utara. Tengkorak tersebut merupakan fosil manusia modern awal yang pernah ditemukan di Asia Tenggara, berusia antara 46 ribu sampai 63 ribu tahun lalu. Dilansir Stonepages, Senin (3/9/2012), penemuan ini mengingatkan waktu pada migrasi manusia modern yang ada di wilayah Asia Tenggara. Temuan ini juga menunjukkan bahwa pengembara kuno beranjak dari wilayah Afrika untuk menemukan tempat hidup baru lebih awal daripada yang diperkirakan oleh peneliti. Temuan ini mengungkap, adanya pendatang manusia modern awal yang tidak mengikuti sepanjang pesisir selatan hingga ke pulau di Asia Tenggara dan Australia. Beberapa peneliti menduga bahwa manusia purba tersebut melakukan perjalanan ke utara dengan medan permukaan yang berbeda. “Mengingat usia, fosil di sekitar wilayah ini bisa menjadi nenek moyang langsung dari imigran pertama ke Australia,” ujar ahli antropologi dari Illinois University, Laura Shackelford. Ia mengatakan, kemungkinan mereka melakukan perjalanan melalui jalur migrasi yang berbeda hingga sampai ke Asia Tenggara. Penemuan ini juga mengungugah peneliti untuk meneliti genetik manusia purba modern tersebut, yang menunjukkan mereka pernah hidup sekira 60 ribu tahun lalu. “Ini adalah bukti fosil pertama yang mendukung data genetik,” terang peneliti, Shackelford. Kendati demikian, tidak ditemukan artefak yang berada di sekitar fosil. Hal ini menandakan, gua tersebut bukan merupakan situs hunian atau penguburan. Shackelford menambahkan, kemungkinan manusia purba tersebut meninggal di luar dan tubuhnya kemudian di bawa ke dalam gua. (fmh) stLight.options({publisher:’b847f3a4-e695-414e-b3c3-11a67607a605′}); !function(d,s,id){var js,fjs=d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0];if(!d.getElementById(id)){js=d.createElement(s);;js.src=””;fjs.parentNode.insertBefore(js,fjs);}}(document,”script”,”clasit-wjs”); Sent from Indosat Internet Source: Okezone – Techno Berita Lain:
+ Arsip Berita Indonesia - Ditemukan Fosil Manusia Modern Awal di Asia Tenggara. |
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