- update next 9 | ![]() |
- Honda Civic Type-R pakai mesin turbo 2.0
- Istri Heryawan Dukung Penuh Suami Jadi ‘Jabar 1′
- “Life of Pi” movie lifeboat for sale at $40,000
- Cita Rasa Lokal Bumbui Aplikasi BB10
- Heryawan: Saya Tak Mengatakan Berat dan Tidak
- New York bomb plotter Adis Medunjanin sentenced to life
- Comet: Insolvent retailer to close 30 stores
- Vettel Buka Hari Pertama Sebagai yang Tercepat F1 Austin
- Banks criticised after CPP card protection fine
- Fiscal cliff: Optimism between Obama and Congress leaders
Honda Civic Type-R pakai mesin turbo 2.0 Posted: 16 Nov 2012 06:14 PM PST ![]() Honda (reuters) Jakarta (ANTARA News) – Honda Civic Type-R generasi terbaru akan menggunakan mesin turbocharge 2.0-liter yang dapat menyemburkan tenaga 300 bhp, kata R&D Pusat Honda Yasuhisa Arai. Awalnya, Honda akan memasang mesin balap 1.6 liter tapi mesin 2.0 liter menjadikan model itu jauh lebih bertenaga dan mengalahkan Megane Renaultsport 265. Honda menggunakan Megane sebagai patokan dan berjanji bahwa Civic Type-R terbaru akan mengalahkan rekor lap 265 di sirkuit Nurburgring untuk mobil dengan mesin penggerak roda depan. Model itu sendiri baru akan hadir pada 2015. “Mobil kami akan menjadi model front-wheel-drive tercepat di Nurburgring dan kami akan melakukan apapun hingga hal itu terjadi.” Honda juga sedang meneliti trik peningkatan suspensi untuk mengontrol torsi dan berbagai perangkat boosting tambahan. Satu-satunya masalah adalah biaya. (adm) Editor: Aditia Maruli COPYRIGHT © 2012 Source: – Ekubis Berita Lain:
+ Arsip Berita Indonesia - Honda Civic Type-R pakai mesin turbo 2.0. |
Istri Heryawan Dukung Penuh Suami Jadi ‘Jabar 1′ Posted: 16 Nov 2012 05:59 PM PST ![]() BANDUNG, – Netty Prasetiyani Heryawan, istri dari calon gubernur petahana Jawa Barat periode 2013 – 2018 dari Partai Keadilan Sejahtera (PKS) mendukung penuh suaminya untuk maju mencalonkan kembali menduduki kursi "Jabar 1" bersama pendampingnya Deddy Mizwar. "Prinsipnya, selama itu kebaikan, saya akan dukung dan mendampinginya sampai kapanpun," tegas Netty kepada wartawan usai menghadiri malam penganugrahan Award kepada 10 Televisi dan Radio oleh Komisi Penyiaran Indonesia Daerah (KPID) Jabar, di Grand Hotel Royal Panghegar, Jalan Merdeka, Bandung, Jumat, (16/11/2012), malam. Menurutnya, selama ini idealisme Heryawan yang diterapkan kepada anak-anaknya dan keluarganya adalah yang terbaik. Idealisme itu pun sama dengan yang diterapkan kepada masyarakat Jawa Bara. "Idealismenya sama, yang saya dan suami saya lakukan, yakni melahirkan kebaikan untuk anak-anak dan seluruh masyarakat Jabar, dengan demikian saya harus memastikan bahwa suami saya ‘on the right track’," tandasnya. Netty sangat yakin bahwa suami tercintanya dapat menduduki "Jabar 1" kembali. "Ya, saya optimis, selama niat kita lurus, jalan yang kita lakukan juga baik dan benar, pandai bersyukur, maka Allah akan mempertemukan jalannya terhadap apa yang diinginkannya," tandasnya. Baca Juga: Mengapa PKS Pinang Dedy Mizwar sebagai Cawagub Jabar? Ini Alasan PPP Usung Heryawan-Dedy Mizwar PPP-Hanura-PKS Dukung Ahmad Heryawan Artikel mengenai topik ini bisa diikuti dalam liputan Pilgub Jabar Editor : A. Wisnubrata Source: kompas regional Berita Lain:
+ Arsip Berita Indonesia - Istri Heryawan Dukung Penuh Suami Jadi ‘Jabar 1′. |
“Life of Pi” movie lifeboat for sale at $40,000 Posted: 16 Nov 2012 05:51 PM PST source: Yahoo Movies Berita Lain:
+ Arsip Berita Indonesia - “Life of Pi” movie lifeboat for sale at $40,000. |
Cita Rasa Lokal Bumbui Aplikasi BB10 Posted: 16 Nov 2012 05:39 PM PST ![]() WATERLOO – Research In Motion (RIM) memiliki taktik tersendiri untuk deretan aplikasi perangkat BlackBerry 10 (BB10). Selain mengutamakan kualitas, aplikasi untuk BlackBerry 10 yang akan disebarkan nanti, juga sesuai dengan kebutuhan negara dan wilayah pengguna. RIM memperkirakan akan ada 100 ribu aplikasi saat perangkat platform baru itu diluncurkan pada 30 Januari 2013. Meski jumlah itu masih kecil dibandingkan yang disuguhkan rivalnya, Apple dan Google, namun RIM tetap optimis. Pasalnya, perusahaan asal Kanada itu lebih mengutamakan kualitas dibandingkan kuantitas dan menargetkan aplikasi untuk pelanggan di berbagai daerah. Meski mengakui bahwa “perpusatakaan” aplikasi memainkan peran penting dalam keberhasilan smartphone, namun Chief Executive Offixer RIM Thorsten Heins mengatakan tagetnya bukan hanya soal angka. “Taktik kami ialah menyebarkan (aplikasi) berdasarkan negara dan wilayah. Tujuan kami memiliki 200 hingga 400 aplikasi terpenting karena kebanyakan dari aplikasi itu bersifat regional dan sepenuhnya memiliki rasa regional,” tutur Heins, seperti dilansir dari Reuters, Sabtu (17/11/2012). Tujuan RIM, kata Heins, ialah menawarkan aplikasi yang paling populer di pasar dan yang paling relevan dengan para pecinta BlackBerry. Untuk mencapai tujuannya, RIM pun menyelenggarakan acara dengan para pengembang di seluruh dunia. “Kami telah melakukan 30 konferensi pengembang (BlackBerry Jam) di berbagai kota seluruh dunia untuk mendapatkan banyak aplikasi lokal yang bagus. Dan bukan hanya sekelompok aplikasi yang dikumpulkan dan memberikannya ke audiens, ini merupakan pendekatan yang sangat ditargetkan,” jelasnya. Lebih lanjut, Heins mengakui bahwa nasib RIM mungkin bergantung pada keberhasilan BB10, dan ia mengatakan sejauh ini mendapatkan reaksi yang baik dari klien perusahaan. Karena itu, RIM berharap lini baru dari smartphone BB10 akan membantu merenggut pangsa pasar dari iPhone dan perangkat berbasis Android. stLight.options({publisher:’b847f3a4-e695-414e-b3c3-11a67607a605′}); !function(d,s,id){var js,fjs=d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0];if(!d.getElementById(id)){js=d.createElement(s);;js.src=””;fjs.parentNode.insertBefore(js,fjs);}}(document,”script”,”clasit-wjs”); Sent from Indosat Internet Source: Okezone – Techno Berita Lain:
+ Arsip Berita Indonesia - Cita Rasa Lokal Bumbui Aplikasi BB10. |
Heryawan: Saya Tak Mengatakan Berat dan Tidak Posted: 16 Nov 2012 05:28 PM PST ![]() BANDUNG, – Apakah ada beban berat ketika melihat lawan-lawan pada pertarungan Pemilihan Gubernur dan Wakil Gubernur (Pilgub) Jabar 2013? Ahmad Heryawan, sosok yang masih menduduki kursi nomor satu di Jabar itu enggan memberikan banyak komentar. "Saya tidak akan mengatakan berat dan tidak berat menghadapi lawan-lawan saya," tegas Heryawan kepada wartawan usai menghadiri malam penganugrahan Award kepada 10 Televisi dan Radio oleh Komisi Penyiaran Indonesia Daerah (KPID) Jabar, di Grand Hotel Royal Panghegar, Jalan Merdeka, Bandung, Jumat, (16/11/2012). Menurutnya, yang terpenting adalah sejauh mana usaha yang dilakukan untuk sampai pada tujuan tersebut. Sebelumnya diberitakan, Heryawan mengaku sangat "optimis" menang dalam pertarungan Pilgub Jabar 2013. "Insya Allah, saya optimis menang. Doakan saja oleh semuanya," katanya. "Saya akan berusaha semaksimal mungkin, pokoknya saya akan usaha terus-terusan. ‘Manjada Wajada’, Peribahasa kan bilang ; ‘Saha Jalma Nu Keyeng Tangtu Pareng’, Barangsiapa yang bersungguh-sungguh, akan sampai pada puncak yang diinginkannya dan menikmati hasilnya," lanjutnya. Lalu, bagaimana penilaian Heryawan, melihat beberapa lawan yang saat ini akan dihadapi? "Menurut saya sih, semuanya juga usaha. Untuk mencapai keberhasilan tentunya harus ada usaha. Siapa yang usahanya paling keras tentu Allah juga akan mempertemukan jalannya," pungkasnya. Baca Juga: Mengapa PKS Pinang Dedy Mizwar sebagai Cawagub Jabar? Ini Alasan PPP Usung Heryawan-Dedy Mizwar PPP-Hanura-PKS Dukung Ahmad Heryawan
Editor : A. Wisnubrata Source: kompas regional Berita Lain:
+ Arsip Berita Indonesia - Heryawan: Saya Tak Mengatakan Berat dan Tidak. |
New York bomb plotter Adis Medunjanin sentenced to life Posted: 16 Nov 2012 04:58 PM PST ![]() A Bosnian-born US citizen has been sentenced to life in prison over a plot to bomb the New York subway. Adis Medunjanin, 34, was convicted in May of multiple US terrorism offences, including conspiring to use weapons of mass destruction. Two former schoolmates who helped to plan the attack had pleaded guilty and testified against Medunjanin. The men were trained by al-Qaeda in Pakistan before agreeing to participate in the plot, prosecutors said. The attack was planned to coincide around the eighth anniversary of the 9/11 attacks, but was foiled when the trio realised law enforcement officials were following them. During the trial, defence lawyers argued that US agents unfairly coerced Medunjanin and intimidated his family, admitting that Medunjanin wanted to fight for the Taliban but did not want to cause death in the city where his family had settled. Medunjanin was arrested in January 2010 after deliberately trying to crash his car on a busy New York expressway in what prosecutors said was a final attempt at committing murder for his cause. "Justice demanded a sentence of life for this al-Qaeda operative, who was dedicated to mass murder and destruction in the New York City subways," US attorney Loretta Lynch said. "Scores of innocent New Yorkers would have been killed or maimed had Medunjanin succeeded." Robotic 'exhibit' Appearing at a US court in New York for the hearing, Medunjanin read from the Koran in Arabic for several minutes before Judge John Gleeson interrupted and asked him if he intended to say anything in English. Medunjanin asked for more time to finish one verse, then shifted into a critique of American foreign policy. "What kind of system endorses torture?" he said, as some of his relatives wept. "Is this really the best system that humanity ever produced?" He maintained his innocence, saying he had "nothing to do with any subway plot or bombing plot whatsoever". Judge Gleeson told Medunjanin his remarks made him appear like an robotic "exhibit" of extremism, and had created "the impression that you're asking me to sentence you like the committed, anti-American jihadist you seem to want to be for the rest of your life". Medunjanin showed no emotion as the sentence was announced. His family declined to speak to reporters as they left the sentencing. ‘Heart of everything’ During the trial, Najibullah Zazi, who admitted masterminding the plot, and Zarein Ahmedzay, who were both went to high school with Medunjanin, testified against him, likely in hopes of lighter sentences. They testified that they had travelled to South Waziristan, Pakistan, with Medunjanin in 2008. There, they were trained by members of al-Qaeda and were encouraged to plan suicide-bombing missions when they returned home. They told the court that they had considered targeting the New York Stock Exchange, Times Square and Grand Central station. Zazi testified that they targeted New York's subway trains at rush hour because it was "the heart of everything in New York City". He said he had learned to distil ingredients for explosives from products such as nail varnish remover that are sold at pharmacies. Zazi also told the jury that they dropped the plot, which was partly paid for with $50,000 (31,000) in credit card charges, when he noticed a car following him in New York. "I think law enforcement is on us," Zazi remembered telling Ahmedzay. He said he sent a text message to Medunjanin that said: "We are done." The two are awaiting their sentencing hearings, currently scheduled for next year. source: bbcuk Berita Lain:
+ Arsip Berita Indonesia - New York bomb plotter Adis Medunjanin sentenced to life. |
Comet: Insolvent retailer to close 30 stores Posted: 16 Nov 2012 04:55 PM PST ![]() The insolvent electrical chain Comet is preparing to close about 30 stores by the end of November, the BBC has learned. Comet appointed administrators earlier this month, putting 6,611 jobs at risk. The remaining 206 or so outlets are expected to continue trading over the Christmas period, but their future remains deeply uncertain. The first of the store closures will begin next week, the Financial Times reported earlier. The administrators, Deloitte, has already announced 330 job losses at Comet's headquarters and among administrative staff and there have also been reports that it is preparing to close down the retailer's home delivery operation. Comet's demise was one of the biggest High Street casualties of recent years. The electricals chain had been hit hard by the drop in consumer spending in the UK since 2008, which has been particularly acute in the case of the big items that Comet sells. Many of Comet's customers are first-time home-buyers, according to Deloitte, meaning that business has been hurt by the much tighter conditions in the UK mortgage market. According to Deloitte, the company had been pushed to the brink by a cash drain caused by suppliers who had been unwilling to provide credit to Comet. Without such credit, the chain was unable to stock-up for Christmas. Deloitte recently allowed gift vouchers bought by members of the public to be used at stores, days after suspending them, after taking time to "assess the financial position of the company". Rival Dixons has offered Christmas jobs to hundreds of Comet staff who face redundancy. source: bbcuk Berita Lain:
+ Arsip Berita Indonesia - Comet: Insolvent retailer to close 30 stores. |
Vettel Buka Hari Pertama Sebagai yang Tercepat F1 Austin Posted: 16 Nov 2012 04:43 PM PST ![]() Sirkuit baru di Austin, Texas yaitu Circuit of The Americas akhirnya merasakan deru mobil Formula 1 untuk pertama kalinya pada Jumat (11/16) tadi waktu Texas-Amerika. Dimana Sebastian Vettel tampil dengan percaya diri. Bahkan dengan selisih yang cukup jauh dari pembalap tercepat kedua, lap time-nya terbilang cukup fantastis. Pembalap asal Jerman itu memainkan waktu tercepatnya 1 menit 38.125 detik di sesi latihan pertama. Namun di sesi latihan kedua ia tampil dengan lap time yang lebih cepat lagi, yaitu 1 menit 37.718 detik. Bahkan ia unggul 0,7 detik dari pembalap tercepat kedua yang diraih oleh Mark Webber. Selisih lap time yang cukup fantastis ini, tentunya akan jadi tantangan besar buat menyusul Vettel. Apalagi Fernando Alonso yang sedang bersaing di klasemen pembalap, hanya bisa meraih lap time tercepat ketiga juga dengan selisih yang sama yaitu 1 menit 38.483 detik. Sementara performa Alonso dari Webber hanya berselisih tipis. Duo pembalap tim McLaren yaitu Lewis Hamilton dan Jenson Button, kali ini belum bisa bersaing di urutan terdepan. Hamilton yang pada sesi latihan 1 tampil di urutan kedua, justru melorot di latihan kedua pada posisi 4. Sementara Button melorot ke urutan 5 dari urutan 4 pada sesi latihan 1. Tentunya ini jadi tugas besar tim, untuk membawa membuat mobil mereka jadi lebih kompetitif di sesi latihan selanjutnya. ( Hasil kombinasi latihan 1 dan 2 Formula 1 Austin : *Pencapaian lap time di sesi latihan 1 Penulis : Uda | Teks Editor : Uda | Foto : Red Bull GmbH Tags : Sebastian Vettel, Vettel, Red Bull, RB8, Formula 1, F1, Formula 1 2012, F1 2012, Ikuti kuis TEBAK JUARA MotoGP dan Formula 1, dapatkan hadiah menarik dari OTOMOTIFNET.COM Source: OtomotifNet Berita Lain:
+ Arsip Berita Indonesia - Vettel Buka Hari Pertama Sebagai yang Tercepat F1 Austin. |
Banks criticised after CPP card protection fine Posted: 16 Nov 2012 04:29 PM PST By Bob HowardMoneybox ![]() Banks must share the blame for mis-sold card protection, after a regulator fined the firm CPP 10.5m, says an influential MP. John Mann, who sits on the House of Commons Treasury Select Committee, said most policies were sold when bank customers rang up to activate their cards. The products were supposed to protect people against identity theft. CPP has apologised and said it has taken steps to change its practices. CPP sold a card protection product, which cost about 35 a year, that was designed to cover losses if a card was lost or stolen. It said customers would benefit from up to 100,000 of insurance cover, but customers were already covered by their banks. Generally, cardholders are not liable for unauthorised card payments on lost or stolen credit and debit cards. A second product was sold for 84 a year which was designed to cover costs if the customer's identity was stolen. Many customers were put in contact with CPP when they rang a number on their new bank card in order to activate it. Many thought they were talking to their bank, but they were in fact being put in touch with a salesperson from CPP. CPP then used the opportunity of the call to offer card protection insurance. If the customer bought the product, the bank got a commission. John Mann MP told Radio 4's Money Box programme: "There's no question there was deception in the way they were sold and there was deception on the profit margins which weren't revealed to people. People were being diddled." The Financial Services Authority (FSA) found that CPP overstated the risks and consequences of ID theft when this insurance was being sold. During the period of mis-selling between January 2005 and March 2011, CPP sold 4.4 million policies and generated 354m in gross profit, the FSA said. Bank scrutiny Some 18.7 million policies were renewed during the same period, generating an income of 656m. John Mann believes the regulator could have acted more quickly: "It's taken an extremely long time. The amount of money which the banks were profiteering on was enormous. This was almost a way of banks printing profits for themselves." He welcomed the FSA's action and hopes the regulator will take tough actions against any bank which acts against the interests of its customers: "I think they need to do more of this. I think they need to get underneath the behaviour of the banks. They have a duty to their customers to act openly, transparently and honestly." Santander, RBS/NatWest, Barclays and HSBC have all had business partnerships with CPP during the period the FSA investigated. They all said they were in discussions with the FSA over the issue. However, the fine from the FSA does not include this and only relates to the hundreds of thousands of direct sales by CPP. ‘Sorry’ New CPP chief executive Paul Stobart said the company had taken steps to overhaul its practices. "We are deeply sorry for the errors and wrongdoings of the past and are paying a heavy penalty through what is a large fine," he said in a statement. "The next steps for the team are to complete the transformation programme and to rebuild our business and our reputation in the market." It has adhered to a FSA request to stop sales of the insurance products, unless they are part of a package. It has also stopped trying to retain the business of customers who ring to cancel their policies. Customers who are on auto-renewal of the product now have a 60-day cooling off period to change their mind over buying the insurance, compared with a 14-day option previously. Details about compensation for customers are still being discussed by CPP, some of its main business partners, and the FSA. Some customers will be written to by CPP. The FSA has agreed to CPP paying the fine in instalments, owing to the company's financial position. It has been told to complete the payments by December 2014. source: bbcuk Berita Lain:
+ Arsip Berita Indonesia - Banks criticised after CPP card protection fine. |
Fiscal cliff: Optimism between Obama and Congress leaders Posted: 16 Nov 2012 04:29 PM PST ![]() source: bbcuk Berita Lain:
+ Arsip Berita Indonesia - Fiscal cliff: Optimism between Obama and Congress leaders. |
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